Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Riscarm Overview
Clothed in steel armour and wielding nothing but an anvil-mace, Riscarm joins the Banner Lords as part of the Christmas 2022 Fusion Rare.
There will be very few uses for Riscarm in your team other than a Faction War champion and you should not consider building this champion out for other areas of Raid. He brings a low chance to Stun on his A1 paired with a Single Target Counter-Attack buff on his A3 (which will place based on team positioning). Alongside these effects, he places a Shield on himself equal to 20% of his MAX HP and a Weak version of Increase Defense on all allies
At best he is an early game support champ you keep at Rank 4 or 5 to help you carry through Faction Wars, or simply some rare Secret Rooms in the Doom Tower.
Riscarm PVE Masteries
Riscarm PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Riscarm Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Lifesteal, Perception, Speed, Accuracy
Recommended PVP Stats