Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Ruella Overview
The rebel of the forest, Ruella refused her elders call to obey the Sylvan Watchers’ way and instead chose a different path and discovery new tricks along the way!
Ruella loves striking her foes with multiple hits with both her A1 and A2 being a triple hit ability. She brings all the best debuffs on her A2 for dealing damage and slowing down enemies an even though it is not 100% guaranteed, it is per hit meaning there is a very high probability all debuffs are placed. Her A1 with 100% Critical rate will also steal 15% turn meter from the enemy paired with an A3 that increases all Ally Turn meter by 20% and places an Increase Critical Rate buff. She is a master utility champion that will be ideal for almost all bosses but more so specifically for Fire Knight where she has everything you’d want in a single champion.
Its likely her A3 with solid debuffs on her A2 will find its way into some very good Clan Boss teams in the future as well.
She also has an incredibly high base speed for an epic champion with 112 making her ideal for boosting Turn Meter in Arena. An all round solid epic champion.
Ruella PVE Masteries
Ruella PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Ruella Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Perception, Speed, Reflex, Relentless
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Stoneskin, Speed, Perception