Last Updated: April 29, 2024
Warchanter Overview
Duel wielding rustic axes, this warrior has fought ferociously to protect the hoard for decades. Warchanter is an Uncommon HP champion from the Orcs Faction.
When it comes to Uncommons, its always cool to see champions that provide numerous ways to crowd control enemies. Warchanter grants multiple forms of this through Stuns, Provokes and Decrease attack to mitigate damage! However the downside of his skills are the low chances and variations of Debuffs (Not the 50% Decrease attack). To conclude he can be used in early game Faction Wars to control enemies, granted RNG is on your side to place them!
Warchanter PVE Masteries
Warchanter PVP Masteries
Warchanter Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
ACC, Speed, HP%, DEF%
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Accuracy, Speed, Perception
Recommended PVP Stats