Published On: December 3, 2024
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Standard Relics – RAID: Shadow Legends

Plarium recently announced in their What’s Next in RAID video that they would be adding a new way to upgrade our Champions, with the addition of the Relics System.

Relics are unique effect bonuses that are equipped to Champions, they can be upgraded and ranked up, as well as empowered by equipping Gemstones into them.

There are two types of Relics available: Standard Relics and Chimera Relics. In this article, we will break down all of the currently available Standard Relics that will go live later this week.

Volcardiac Heart


Wearer places a 10% [Magma Shield] buff for 2 turns at the start of the battle. Also places a [Magma Shield] buff on the wearer for 2 turns whenever they lose 25% of their HP in a single hit.

Level 2: Shield Strength +2%
Level 3: Shield Strength +2%
Level 4: Shield Strength +2%
Level 5: Shield Strength +2%
Level 6: Shield Strength +2%

2x Square
2x Circular

Hallowed Hilt


Whenever the wearer heals an ally with an active skill, has a 25% chance to place the [Fervor] buff on the ally for 1 turn.

Level 2: Buff Chance +5%
Level 3: Buff Chance +5%
Level 4: Buff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff Chance +5%
Level 6: Buff Chance +5%

2x Diamond
2x Circular

Aspect of Siroth


Whenever the wearer receives fatal damage, reduces it by 50% of their Turn Meter and then fully reduces their Turn Meter. Cooldown: 1 turn.

Level 2: Damage Reduction +10%
Level 3: Damage Reduction +10%
Level 4: Damage Reduction +10%
Level 5: Damage Reduction +10%
Level 6: Damage Reduction +10%

1x Square
2x Circular

Wand of Submission


Wearer has a 25% chance to reflect [Stun], [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Petrification] and [Sheep] debuffs back at the producer.

Level 2: Buff Reflect Chance +5%
Level 3: Buff Reflect Chance +5%
Level 4: Buff Reflect Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff Reflect Chance +5%
Level 6: Buff Reflect Chance +5%

1x Diamond
2x Circular

Gilded Dragonstone


Wearer’s DEF increases by 1% each time they receive damage (stacks up to 10%).

Level 2: Max DEF +2%
Level 3: Max DEF +2%
Level 4: Max DEF +2%
Level 5: Max DEF +2%
Level 6: Max DEF +2%

1x Square
1x Circular

Demonic Effigy


Wearer’s Turn Meter increases by 10% whenever one of their allies dies.

Level 2: Turn Meter Boost +2%
Level 3: Turn Meter Boost +2%
Level 4: Turn Meter Boost +2%
Level 5: Turn Meter Boost +2%
Level 6: Turn Meter Boost +2%

1x Diamond
1x Circular

Golden Elixir


Wearer is instantly healed by 10% when their HP drops below 50%.

Level 2: Heal +2%
Level 3: Heal +2%
Level 4: Heal +2%
Level 5: Heal +2%
Level 6: Heal +2%

1x Pentagonal
1x Circular

Unholy Grail


Wearer deals 2% more damage if under any buffs.

Level 2: Damage +1%
Level 3: Damage +1%
Level 4: Damage +1%
Level 5: Damage +1%
Level 6: Damage +2%

1x Circular

Mask of Rage


Wearer receives 5% less damage from enemies under a [Provoke] debuff.

Level 2: Damage Reduction +2%
Level 3: Damage Reduction +2%
Level 4: Damage Reduction +2%
Level 5: Damage Reduction +2%
Level 6: Damage Reduction +2%

1x Circular

Journal of Necrotos


Wearer’s heals and Turn Meter increase effects applies to allies are boosted by 15%.

Level 2: Heal & TM Increase Boost +3%
Level 3: Heal & TM Increase Boost +3%
Level 4: Heal & TM Increase Boost +3%
Level 5: Heal & TM Increase Boost +3%
Level 6: Heal & TM Increase Boost +3%

1x Circular

Rod of Blasphemy


Wearer receives 2% less damage if under any debuffs.

Level 2: Damage Reduction +1%
Level 3: Damage Reduction +1%
Level 4: Damage Reduction +1%
Level 5: Damage Reduction +1%
Level 6: Damage Reduction +2%

1x Circular

Which of these Standard Relics stands out to you? Let us know in the comments!

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1 month ago

The stats are missing