Siphi Lore
Published On: October 21, 2023
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Raid Shadow Legends Lore: The Story of Siphi the Lost Bride

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A lament sung by bards and poets of all cultures and nations, the sorrowful story of Siphi and Rotos is one that has transcended the peoples of Teleria. Following two star-crossed lovers brought together by their adventures across the ocean, they are torn apart by a jealous debt collector’s scheming – ending with Rotos avenging the murder of his beloved wife Siphi in a dramatic last stand. Orc, Human, Lizardman, Ogryn, and High Elf alike are known to weep at this finale, such is the power of the song.

However, most people only hear of the dashing rogue Rotos, and what became of his spirit following his heroic sacrifice. Decades of bard songs across Anhelt have given more prominence to this gallant man from Arnoc, but in Siphi’s homeland of the Lost Isles, the poets weep deeply, singing at length about the fate of their beloved pirate sister. In their accounts, Siphi’s wandering phantom crossed the seas back to her home — where she became a symbol of the perils of dealing with sailors from the continents. She meanders the cliffs and bays of the Lost Isles, her ghostly wails resounding across the water as she cries out for her fallen lover. Local fishermen do not dare to sail if they hear Siphi’s sobs — for it is surely a sign that misfortune and pain await on the turbulent waves.

As for ships from other lands, they dare not make landfall if they see the ghostly bride staring out to the horizon. Sailors tell of the mournful Siphi appearing on their ship, demanding where her beloved Rotos may be found. When sailors answer that he is not there, or that he is long dead, her sadness twists into fury. She tears apart the vessel in a white-hot rage, slaughtering all who she believes are hiding her husband from her. The wreckage of these boats then floats to shore — a
single blue rose among the shattered planks and tangled ropes acting as the only clue to the horror that occurred.

For those kind sailors who try to bring Siphi back to her love, she’s said to weep with joy as they head toward Rotos’ home in Arnoc. But as the sun rises and Arnoc is still out of reach, Siphi’s form melts away, and all that remains is her haunted sobs. Those on board are said to be rendered inconsolable in their grief, never returning to the seas once they reach their destination.

And so, Siphi waits, hoping that one day, a ship will bring Rotos back to her. It is an event that will never come.


This Siphi lore is originally posted by Plarium in-game.

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