Token Trader
Published On: September 27, 2024
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Token Trader Update & Legendary Champion Rebalance

Plarium has announced some exciting information ahead of the next Patch, including a long-awaited Token Trader Update, giving us the opportunity to pick up more Legendaries with our duplicate Champions.

This patch will also feature a Legendary Champion Rebalance, seeing 2 Legendaries getting a huge rework increasing their value!

Read on to find out more…

Token Trader Update

The Token Trader tab in the Guardian Ring will be expanded to include two dynamic Champion slots. These will be on a rotation and change every 6 months to introduce new Champions. The price for each dynamic slot will remain unchanged – 3000 tokens, no matter which Champion is on offer.

Unlike other slots, you’ll be able to purchase the same Champion multiple times if they appear across several rotations. But keep in mind that once claimed, the dynamic slot becomes unavailable until the next rotation.

The first two Champions to be presented in the rotation are Lanakis the Chosen and Nobel. Lanakis is a solid champion with an Ally Attack Skill that increases Turn Meter. On top of that, she has the ability to apply team-wide buffs, and she can be a useful addition to many teams. Nobel, on the other hand, is required to Empower Ninja in the Guardian Ring, so having an easier option to procure one should be helpful in making your unique Champion stronger.

Legendary Champion Rebalance: Warchief


With the upcoming rebalance changes, we decided to significantly enhance and expand this Champion’s kit, for him to work not only just as a Provoker, but as a reliable Tank as well.

His A1 will now have a chance to place a [Provoke] debuff with each hit. Also, each hit will heal Warchief and the most injured ally by 3% of Warchief’s MAX HP. With A2, Warchief will steal all buffs from the enemy, place [Provoke] debuff on the whole enemy team, and even place a substantial [Shield] buff for all allies.
Warchief’s Passive was completely reworked, allowing him to boost his own DEF based on the number of enemies under [Provoke] debuff, and also providing a small but reliable heal, based on the damage inflicted to the [Shield].

To seal the deal, he also got a shiny new Aura, increasing allies’ ACC by 60 in all battles.

Additionally, to better reflect changes in his skillset, we have updated Skill upgrades for this Champion.

[Brutal Force]

Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit has a 25% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn.
Each hit also heals this Champion and the ally with the lowest HP by 3% of this Champion’s MAX HP.


Attacks 1 enemy.
Steals all buffs from the target, and places a [Provoke] debuff on them for 3 turns.
Also has a 50% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff on all other enemies for 1 turn.
Then places a [Shield] buff on all allies for 2 turns. The value of the [Shield] is proportional to this Champion’s DEF.

[Standstill [P]]

Whenever an ally under a [Shield] buff is hit by an enemy, heals that ally by 25% of the damage dealt to the [Shield].
Increases this Champion’s DEF by 10% for each enemy under a [Provoke] debuff. Will also increase this Champion’s DEF by 5% for each enemy not under a [Provoke] debuff.


Increases Ally ACC in all Battles by 60.

Legendary Champion Rebalance: Gurgoh the Auger

gurgoh the augur splash art

With the upcoming rebalance changes, we aimed to increase this Champion’s utility and make him a more formidable force in both PvP and PvE content.

His A2 will now remove all buffs from the enemies before placing a [Freeze] debuff.
A3 transformed into an AoE attack, placing a [Decrease DEF] debuff on all enemies for greater damage potential.
His Passive now has a chance of landing [Freeze] debuff in response to the enemy’s hit and also increases damage dealt by all allies to frozen enemies.
His Aura was changed too – it will now boost allies’ SPD in Arena battles


Removes all buffs from all enemies. Has an 80% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. Grants an Extra Turn.


Attacks all enemies. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns.
Places an extra hit if the target is under a [Freeze] debuff.
Cooldown reduced – 5

[Frost Embrace [P]]

When hit by an enemy, has a 30% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff on the attacker for 1 turn.
Increases the damage inflicted by allies against enemies under a [Freeze] debuff by 25%.


Increases Ally SPD in Arena battles by 30%.

What do you think of the Token Trader Update and rebalance? Let us know!

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Joe Kancsal
Joe Kancsal
4 months ago

If I may ask a stupid question…How do you get tokens to trade?

James Black
James Black
4 months ago
Reply to  Joe Kancsal

You have to have 2 of the same Legendary champion. You go to the sparring pit and select “Champion Unbinding”. From there you select 1 of the extras and destroy him for 5oo tokens. So, it’s a bad deal if the champion is good but an alright choose if the champ is bad. Basically, if it is a good champion, it’s better to either have 2 available or to combine them together to get one of them 1+ (up to 4+). It would be a total waste if you took a good champ and melted them down to get 500 tokens.

James Black
James Black
4 months ago

Well, this is interesting. I actually have both of these champions. I use Gurgoh exclusively for spider and I put Warchief in the vault and didn’t touch him. In fact, I got Gurgoh pretty early on in my account and spider was the first boss I got up to level 25 because of him. If they switch his A3 to an AOE attack, I’ll have to disable it then. I use Mordecai as my main damage dealer for spider so I don’t want Gurgoh to kill the spiderlings.
I don’t think I will switch Gurgoh to my arena team. I see the switch they are making for him to be better there but I already use Ninja and Yakarl as my freezers. Plus, I think Criodan is a much better choice for Bommal to CC his bombs.
However, I am interested to see how Warchief comes out of this. Has he been a sleeping giant ready to wake? Perhaps it is time to bring him out of the vault to the light of day and see how he does.