Two Legendary Champion Rebalance
Published On: January 29, 2025
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Two Legendary Champion Rebalance

As in most games power creep becomes a constant pain in developers’ minds that they need to address before champions get left behind forever. Plarium has decided that it’s time for these two Legendary champions to get that rebalance.

These changes will allow Ultan of the Shell to gain more opportunities for Crowd Control and self-heals for better sustainability. Konstantin the Dayborn will gain more offensive potential that can turn him into the unstoppable monster that Plarium desired.

Let’s check out what Plarium have changed:

Ultan of the Shell

ultan of the shell portrait

With Ultan’s rebalance, we aimed to enhance his self-preservation capabilities while providing more opportunities for crowd control:

  • For his A1 we increased the base chance to apply [Decrease DEF] debuff
  • We enhanced Ultan’s A2 to boost his healing – after cleanse, he will unconditionally heal himself for 20% of his MAX HP, and then get an additional heal of the same value for each debuff removed by this skill. Also, the [Shield] applied will now scale off of his ATK, further increasing in value for each debuff removed
  • With A3 Ultan will now also land a [Decrease SPD] debuff, and when paired with Oella will place a [Stun] instead of [Sleep] debuff, grant Ultan an Extra Turn and boosting his Turn Meter each time [Stun] or [Sleep] debuffs expire.

[Under the Skin]

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. Each hit will also ignore 50% of the target’s RES if Oella is on the same team. If the target is under an [Increase DEF] buff, each hit has an 80% chance of removing it. This effect cannot be resisted.

[Resurging Reversal]

Removes all debuffs from this Champion and heals them by 20% of their MAX HP. Heals this Champion by an additional 20% of their MAX HP for each debuff removed. Then, places a [Shield] buff on this Champion for 2 turns. The value of the [Shield] is proportional to this Champion’s ATK. The value of the [Shield] also increases by 5% for each debuff removed.
Finally, attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore [Shield] buffs. Damage increases by 20% for each debuff removed by this skill.

[Somnolence Spores]

Attacks all enemies. Has a 100% chance of placing a [Sleep] debuff for 1 turn and a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 2 turns. If Oella is on the same team, will place a [Stun] debuff instead of [Sleep], and ignore 50% of each target’s RES.
Fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 15% whenever a [Sleep] or [Stun] debuff placed by this skill expires.
If Oella is on the same team, grants this Champion an Extra Turn.
Damage Increased

Konstantin the Dayborn

konstantin the dayborn splash art

With these changes, we aimed to sharpen Konstantin’s offensive potential, making him an even deadlier threat:

  • Konstantin’s A1 now has a chance to place a [Decrease DEF] debuff, increasing the likelihood of triggering an extra hit. And it is unresistible with Vlad the Nightborn on the same team.
  • His A2 ignores 15% of each target’s DEF as a baseline, plus an additional 10% for each [Leech], [Decrease DEF], or [Block Active Skills] debuff on the target. However, if the enemy is under all three debuffs simultaneously – Konstantin will ignore a massive 75% of their DEF instead
  • For A3, buff steal and debuff transfer effects become irresistible when Vlad the Nightborn is on the same team. Additionally, its cooldown resets upon securing a kill
  • At last, Konstantin’s Aura got a small boost, now increasing ally ATK in Arena by 35%

[Sword of Suns]

Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be resisted when Vlad the Nightborn is on the same team. Places an extra hit if the target is under any debuff.

[Rune Shatter]

Attacks all enemies 2 times. Each hit will ignore 15% of each target’s DEF.
Each hit will ignore an additional 10% of each target’s DEF for every [Leech], [Decrease DEF], and [Block Active Skills] debuff they are under.
If a target is under [Leech], [Decrease DEF], and [Block Active Skills] debuffs simultaneously, each hit will ignore 75% of their DEF instead.


Attacks 1 enemy. Before attacking, steals all buffs from the target and transfers all debuffs from this Champion to the target. This effect cannot be resisted when Vlad the Nightborn is on the same team.
Resets the cooldown of this skill if the target is killed.


Increases Ally ATK in Arena battles by 35%


With these changes in the works for a patch that will be soon what does HH Gaming think of the recent changes?

Ultan of the Shell

Ultan should now be viable to use as his a2 before would do nothing without debuffs. now it will have a base heal making it useful. The shield increase on Attack is also much better as it was also based on the heal so it did nothing.
The a3 change is weak without Oella but now with Oella it has been converted to stun so much more powerful stun and you get an extra turn.
His damage was never terrible so could be a good improvement

Konstantin the Dayborn

He was already a very strong void Legendary but maybe fell behind the late 2024 hero roster additions in terms of power.
With these changes, he becomes more functional in PvE with an A1 Decrease Defence although if you have Vlad you already have AoE Decrease Defence. This just means he’s better on his own more than anything.
The A2 however had a major upgrade. With a base of 15% and now an additional 10% instead of just base 10% that’s now 35% if you have 2/3 debuffs.
Basically with Cat’s Gaze or Area Bonuses, you’re doing true damage and it’s a 5*ATK – strong hit and it’s void
The A3 is a minor improvement in that you can place debuffs without accuracy with Vlad. He already reduced the duration by 2 turns and with a 3 turn cooldown = it effectively resets Anyway. So this is exclusively a stat gain. But note: if you do this you risk yourself being Polymorphed.

Overall Ultan is someone to take a look at to see if he will now have some utility, especially with Oella paired although without Oella it just makes his A2 Functional.
Konstantin A2 is very interesting with the potential to be impactful in the arena but his other changes are low impact. The A1 change without Vlad adds some utility in PvE only.

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Eric Cranage
Eric Cranage
7 days ago

A crucial buff on Konstantin’s A3 was overlooked. He steals all buffs (including Stone Skin) before attacking, which is now irresistible with Vlad.