Watcher of Realms Promo Codes
Watcher of Realms Promo Codes unlock free one-time rewards for your account.
Time-Limited Codes = Can be used within a start and end date after which the code no longer works.
Codes are one-time use meaning you can only claim the rewards once on a single account.
To use a Watcher of Realms Promo Code, follow these simple steps:
- Login to Watcher of Realms on your device.
- Press your Avatar to open the settings menu located on the side of the screen.
- Press the redeem code option.
- Enter the promo code in the window.
- Press on the redeem icon to claim the reward.
Your free rewards then go into your in game mailbox (menu in the top right of camp screen) for you to claim.
Promo Codes List
Most Watcher of Realms Promo Codes will have an expiry date, so be sure not to miss out on these free rewards!