Welcome to the Content Creation Corner
Welcome to the Content Creation Corner for HellHades.com. We get asked a lot of questions from new and upcoming streamers, YouTubers and content creators for tips on how to grow their channels and brand so we thought we would put together a whole section of HellHades.com dedicated to helping you get started in the world of content creation.
This section (pet named by HH “Phixion’s Corner”) is designed to help you guys get started in any area of online content creation. From creating YouTube videos and streaming to building your own website and brand identity, we will try and cover as much as possible to help you grown.
Content creation is extremely rewarding and a great creative outlet for a hobby, or, if you work on it hard enough it can even become a full-time income.
What qualifies us to help you with this information?
This is a very good question to ask. The internet is saturated with “experts” who are pushing “Get-Rich-Quick” schemes for growing your online presence so it is understandable that you should be sceptical about any information available online.
The first thing that you should know is that 99% of these “programs” that you will see online are not designed to help you, they are designed to make the person that created the program or course money, thus creating their online business.
We are not creating this content for these reasons, we are sharing this information to help you grow and discover a new hobby or creative outlet that can be extremely fun and rewarding if done correctly, or extremely frustrating if done incorrectly. We honestly feel that the more content creators that are out there doing what they enjoy, the better the community will be.
Who is Phixion?
Needless to say, if you are reading this post then you will likely know who “HellHades” is, but you might not know who I am (Phixion).
To give you a background about me and where my knowledge and experience in content creation comes from:
I started building websites over 20 years ago at the age of 11, creating forums back when the internet was more “wild west” than commercialised like it is today. Back then Facebook and social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram were unheard of and communities came together through message boards and chat rooms.
I have stayed heavily involved in computers and the “online scene” for my entire life and after college, I made it my profession. I have worked as a graphic designer, web designer, developer for multiple companies in many sectors. I have also written for gaming websites and been published in national magazines for over 10 years.
Over the past 7 years, I have moved my skill set from actually building websites and content to advising companies on marketing strategy and online exposure, working for 5 years in the military and offshore oil industry before most recently heading up a marketing team for a digital agency before joining HellHades full time.
I even worked with an online training company to produce a course taught at a university level around Search Engine Optimisation, Content Creation and Online Brand exposure.
I started working with HellHades back in May 2020 with the launch of the Affinity Cup and we ended up becoming good friends. Initially, I have been video editing for Hades for almost a year to help with his workload and then embarking on HellHades.com as a joint project together back in October 2020.
I have also created my own YouTube channel with interviews with content creators and tips and tricks to help you get started.
So what will we be posting in this section?
This section of the website will be dedicated to all things “content creation”. We will cover video editing software, hardware, social media, logo and brand design, search rankings, building a website and anything you could need to start your content creation journey. We will share years of experience with content creation and online marketing that not only works, it is not gimmicky or trying to get you to part with cash. We are just looking to share what we have learned to help you get started without making the same mistakes that we have along the way.
There is no shortcut to success and there is no guarantee that anything you learn through this section of the website will be a ticket to your future role as a full-time content creator. That being said, if you are passionate about what you do and are willing to learn, it will give you a step up to start you in the right direction.
Tell us what you would like to see in this section.
There is already a wealth of knowledge that we are ready to share with the community in this section of HellHades.com, however, if you have any questions or ideas for content that you would like to see – let us know in the comments below.
Read and listen to this, they/he know what they’re talking about. :)