Akumori the Phantom Shogun – Phantom Shogun’s Grove
Plarium has just released a brand new teaser video for the upcoming Accessory Ascension Boss – Akumori the Phantom Shogun, which will be a part of the Phantom Shogun’s Grove Dungeon, rewarding Extract, which is then used to Ascend your accessories!
Let’s get into it and break down the new threat – Akumori the Phantom Shogun.
Akumori’s Skills
Spectral Lunge
Attacks 1 enemy. Will prioritise attacking enemies under a [Enfeeble] debuff.
Then, Attacks all other enemies under a [Enfeeble] debuff. Each hit fills Akumori’s Turn Meter by 20%.
Scourge Sword – Cooldown: 3 Turns
Attacks 1 enemy. Will prioritise attacking enemies under a [Enfeeble] debuff.
After attacking, removes all buffs from all enemies, except the initial target. Then, applies a [Debuff Spread] effect, taking a [Enfeeble] debuff from the initial target and placing it on all enemies.
Also places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns on all enemies that had a [Enfeeble] debuff placed on them.
Finally, if there are no enemies under [Enfeeble] debuffs at the end of this attack, places a [Enfeeble] debuff on the enemy with the highest C.DMG for 3 turns. This [Enfeeble] debuff cannot be removed, resisted or blocked.
Forest of Spears – Cooldown: 4 Turns
Attacks the enemy with the highest C.DMG.
Before attacking, places a [Block Passive Skills] debuff on all enemies for 3 turns.
This debuff cannot be removed, resisted or blocked.
After attacking, places a [Enfeeble] debuff on the target enemy for 3 turns.
This debuff cannot be removed, resisted or blocked.
Wraith Javelin – Cooldown: 5 Turns
Attacks 1 enemy. Will prioritize attacking enemies under a [Enfeeble] debuff.
If the Shade counter reaches 10, this attack will ignore [Block Damage] buffs.
If the Shade counter reaches 20, will also ignore [Unkillable] buffs.
If the Shade counter reaches 30, will also ignore [Ally Protection] buffs.
If the Shade counter reaches 40, will also ignore [Shield] buffs.
Purge the Shadow [Passive]
Whenever an Awakened Champion uses a skill against Akumori, decreases the Shade counter. The Shade counter is decreased according to the Awakening Level on the Champion who uses a skill.
- 1 Stack for Level 1 Awakening.
- 2 Stacks for Level 2 Awakening.
- 3 Stacks for level 3 Awakening.
- 4 Stacks for Level 4 Awakening.
- 5 Stacks for level 5 Awakening.
- 6 Stacks for level 6 Awakening.
Shroud of the Shogun [Passive]
Activates the Shade counter at the start of the battle.
- Whenever an enemy lands a weak hit on Akumori, increases the Shade counter by 8.
- Whenever Akumori lands a critical hit, increases the Shade counter by 5.
- Whenever a [Enfeeble] debuff is removed or transferred from an enemy, or when its duration is fully decreased by an enemy champion, increases the Shade counter by 2.
Increases Akumore’s C.RATE by 1% and C.DMG by 2% for each Shade counter attack.
Akumori is immune to Turn Meter reduction effects and [Enfeeble] debuffs.
- Whenever the Shade counter reaches 10, Akumori will not receive damage from [Poison] debuffs.
- Whenever the Shade counter reaches 20, Akumori will also not receive damage from [HP Burn] debuffs and [Smite] debuffs.
- Whenever the Shade counter reaches 30, Akumori will also not receive damage from skills or masteries that scale based on Akumori’s MAX HP.
- If the Shade counter reaches 40 or higher, all of Akumori’s attacks will ignore 100% of the target’s DEF.
- Also, whenever Akumori kills an enemy, attacks all enemies.
Additional Passives
On top of the Skills listed in the video, Akumori also has some of the passive skills we’ve known to love…(or hate) in RAID:
Almighty Immunity
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear], [True Fear], [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, and cooldown-increasing effects.
Almighty Strength
Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the boss’ MAX HP when attacking the boss.
Awakened Weakness
Decreases the damage inflicted by the Boss for each Awakening Level on the target Champion (2.5% for Levels 1-2 and 5% for Levels 3-6, stacks up to 25%). Increases the damage received by the Boss for each Awakening Level on the attacking Champion (5% for Levels 1-2 and 10% for Levels 3-6, stacks up to 50%).
Tips for beating Akumori the Phantom Shogun
Are you ready to take on the formidable Akumori the Phantom Shogun? This powerful adversary requires careful planning and strategic thinking to overcome. In this guide, we’ll provide you with some valuable tips to make your battle against Akumori more manageable and increase your chances of victory. Let’s dive right in!
Tip 1: Bring Awakened Champions
One of the crucial aspects of defeating Akumori is to bring Awakened Champions to the battle. The higher their Awakening Level, the more effective they become in keeping Akumori’s Shade Counter in check. By minimizing the Shade Counter, you significantly enhance your survivability.
Tip 2: Utilize a Cleanser
Leaving Enfeeble on your team is a recipe for disaster when facing Akumori. It is imperative to bring a cleanser to remove this debuff from your Champions. Although cleansing Enfeeble may increase the Shade Counter by 2 stacks, it is a better option than allowing Akumori to accumulate 8 stacks while your attacks are weak.
Tip 3: Assemble a Supportive Team
Akumori’s attacks pack a punch, making it crucial to have a team that offers robust support. Seek Champions who can provide buffs and debuffs to weaken Akumori’s assaults and bolster your defenses. Decreasing Critical Rate will prove to be invaluable in not only limiting the damage inflicted but also preventing Akumori from gaining Shade Counter stacks with Critical Hits.
Tip 4: Avoid Relying on Powerful Passive Skills
Akumori possesses the Forest of Spears skill, which can indefinitely block powerful Passive Skills. Although fast teams may counter this obstacle, it is advisable not to rely heavily on Champions with potent Passives in the first place. Adopting alternative strategies will be more effective against Akumori’s defenses.
Tip 5: Equip Affinitybreaker Artifacts
Considering the likelihood of landing Weak Hits due to Enfeeble, it is wise to equip your Champions with Affinitybreaker Artifacts. These artifacts provide a decent chance of transforming weak hits into critical hits, maximizing your damage potential.
Armed with these invaluable tips, you are now well-prepared to face off against Akumori the Phantom Shogun. Remember to bring Awakened Champions, utilize a cleanser, assemble a supportive team, avoid relying on powerful Passive Skills, and equip your Champions with Affinitybreaker Artifacts. By implementing these strategies, you enhance your chances of emerging victorious in this challenging encounter. Best of luck in your battle against Akumori!
How do you feel about facing Akumori the Phantom Shogun? Let us know in the comments!
Being a F2P player I’ll not be playing Shogun since I only have a few stacked champions. I’m not able to get past level 5-6 on Iron twins and Sand Devil so not able to Ascend artifacts fast and having 6 plays on Iron Twins at level 5-6 don’t get many blessing.
Why would I want to waste more energy on top of Iron Twins, Sand Devil and the normal daily grind, hoping that my few highly-awakened vaultlords entombed in otherwise-useless Affinitybreaker manage to somehow emerge victorious, giving my rings… trace amounts of new Flat Stats. I’m betting the Crit-Damage% on amulets and Accuracy on banners won’t be evenly distributed either.