Arbiter Missions: Watch out for these missions
With the 2025 Free 2 Play Competition in full swing, we’ve decided to touch on a conversational topic that’s been floating around within the community a lot, Arbiter Missions.
There are so many different missions to blast through to collect Arbiter, but in this article, we will be breaking down what we consider the big ‘Road Blocks’ of the Arbiter missions to help you best prepare for tackling them.
These are my thoughts after playing 4 days of the Free to Play competition, completing 2/4 parts of the missions already and pushing through Part 3. Other people may have different experiences with these missions, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. – Neva
Important Mention: Potion Keeps
I’m going to ignore Potion Keeps as roadblocks in relation to this article because in the first 7 days they are all open, and as such they are not slowing down progress just yet, however after they return to their daily-cycle opening schedule, they will slow things down significantly and you will need to wait multiple days before being able to progress.
It is hugely advisable to progress through the missions as fast as you can to avoid as much of this time gating as possible.
Mission Part 1/4
Whilst Part 1 is fairly standard, there are a few missions that are truly unnecessary and I’m fairly sure the entire player base would rejoice if they were removed, not only do these teach new players bad things, but they are also so RNG-based that you could spend literal hours farming to no avail. Of course, I’m talking about the ATK% items from Sewers of Arnoc.
Mission 27: Win Gauntlets with ATK% as the primary stat from Stage 4 of the Sewers of Arnoc on Normal.
Mission 34: Win Chestplate with ATK% as the primary stat from Stage 5 of the Sewers of Arnoc on Normal.
Mission 38: Win Boots with ATK% as the primary stat from Stage 6 of the Sewers of Arnoc on Normal.
Outside of these missions, there isn’t really anything that will hold you up significantly in Part 1 of the Missions, aside from potentially being tasked with levelling 4 Champions to 40 in Mission 73, to bypass this, levelling farmable Champions such as Warmaiden, Spirithost, and Warpriest (who you acquire for free after completing stage 1/7) up to level 40 and eventually level 50 can provide you with valuable food champions who can help you progress whilst farming the required food for your first level 60.
Mission Part 2/4
Now then, onto part 2, wherein the very final mission we have a roadblock that personally cost me upwards of 2,000 energy, not exactly what I had in mind, but before we get into that there are a few others that stood out to me as potential roadblocks:
Upgrade a Champion to Rank 5
From memory, this mission, as well as the level 50 counterpart in Mission 11, are not retroactive, so if you are rushing through and complete these BEFORE these missions, which you almost certainly will have done with your starter Champion, you’ll need to do another one!
Upgrade a Champion to Level 50
Same situation as the mission above.
Win 50 Silver or Gold Medals in Classic Arena
This was a roadblock caused by my own victories, during the first 2 days I was able to push into Gold I in the arena, which was great as I got a Gold arena chest on the first weekly reset, but at the same time, it has made arena based missions significantly harder due to the type of fights I am seeing in Gold, I can go multiple refreshes without finding a single winnable fight.
Ascend a Champion to level 5 of Ascension
This mission is 100% not retroactive, and you need to hold off on ascending somebody before you reach this mission. If you are like me, and forgetful, I recommend using an Uncommon Champion as one of your food Champions, so you can quickly ascend it for this mission if you mistakenly forget to hold off!
Defeat 50 Champions in Classic Arena
Just like Mission 22, only harder, at least with Medal-based missions I can count on free wins where players set weak 1-man defences, which is about all I can fight in Gold Arena currently. But finding 50 Champions I can kill is a stretch, and took multiple hours of refreshing and praying on weak solo defences, rather than blasting this in 13 or so arena fights in the Silver arena.
Fuse Justiciar
This mission can either be fairly straightforward or a huge hindrance if you are unlucky whilst progressing the campaign. For some people, they’ll passively collect the 4 required Rares whilst plodding along. Meanwhile, for others, you’ll have to annoyingly go and farm these separately which could take a crazy amount of energy! The required Rares are:
Mission Part 3/4
Part 3 kicks off with a Mission that most people would have done already, but if not, whoops, you need to go and farm yourself your first Rank 6 Champion, and shortly after they will need to be level 60 – usually this is one of the first points of call for new accounts, but if you’ve decided to level lots of Champions to 50 rather than focussing on getting your first Rank 6, then you may need to backtrack a little bit here.
After just 17 missions you’ll meet your next hurdle, Get 2 Rank 6 Champions, which naturally should be something you’re working towards anyway due to the high value they bring, so this shouldn’t be too difficult to get through, although may require some farming!
Defeat 75 Champions in Classic Arena
Ahh, my arch nemesis again, arena missions that require a large kill count, the bane of my existence when it comes to progressing these missions as previously mentioned how difficult Gold I+ fights are on a 4-day-old account!
The good news is, once you’ve got through those hurdles, you’ve got a free path for quite a while until you reach mission 34, requiring you to Ascend a Champion to Level 6 of Ascension, this is NOT retroactive from my memory (I hope I’m wrong, if you know, please correct me!), so you will need to hold-off on ascending one of your 60s until this point, which is not a problem as it’s unlikely that you have a banner to equip before now anyway, so you’re not missing out on much other than some minor stat boosts.
At Mission 36 we have another Arena focused mission, Win 100 Silver or Gold Medals in Classic Arena – again, not particularly hard, but when fight options are limited it could drag out and take you a while!
Mission 43 requires us to have 3 Rank 6 Champions, which once again, is a natural progression curve that you’ll be working towards at this point to be able to push further in other content areas.
Mission 47 is to Ascend 2 Champions to Level 6 of Ascension, it I believe is actually retroactive, but I will be holding off just in case!
Mission 50 is back with a favourite, Defeat 100 Champions in Classic Arena – well, if you are still chilling in Silver Arena, I envy you, as this will take a rather long time to do in Gold+ Arena, unless things get easier in Gold 2 onwards.
Mission 58 calls for us to Get 4 Rank 6 Champions, there’s no rest for the wicked at this point, you need to be full-steam ahead in farming up Rank 6 Champions which will form the core of your initial progression teams before you branch out to more specialized Champions.
Mission 62 – Upgrade 2 Affinity Bonuses to Level 4, be careful with your Great Hall upgrades, as this will catch you off-guard if you aren’t prepared for it, don’t spread your upgrades across the whole board for small stat gains, rather pool up your medals ready for this!
Mission 68 follows suit with the previous missions, we now need to level all 4 Rank 6 Champions up to level 60, followed by the need to ascend them all at Mission 70!
Lastly, we have Mission 75, Fuse Relickeeper, just like Part 2 where we had to fuse Justiciar, this one will be much easier if you’ve pre-farmed the required Champions whilst grinding food, and I hope for your sake you did not feed your Justiciar, as you will need him along with Executioner, Templar and Sorceress – all of which are farmable, but this time they all need to be Rank 4, Level 40 before fusing Relickeeper.
Mission Part 4/4
The majority of Part 4 is about Dungeon Progression, requiring you to clear Stage 14 of each Dungeon on Auto, followed by Stage 15, 17 and finally Stage 20, so the dungeons in themselves could become roadblocks for you, but this massively depends on your roster.
You will also need to deal substantial damage to the Clan Boss during Part 4 of the Arbiter Missions, although, this is damage done within 24 hours, so you can do this in as many keys as necessary!
Mastery Missions:
Throughout Part 4 you will have multiple missions focussed on Unlocking a T6 Mastery for X Champions, up to a maximum of 5 Champions – so you will need to have full masteries on 5 Champions by the end of these missions.
Great Hall Bonuses:
These are always a pain, but pick a bonus and upgrade it as much as needed, up to level 10, often choosing ACCURACY as the bonus you want to upgrade is the way to go to reduce the stat requirements on a large amount of your Champions (opting for an affinity that benefits your account the most).
Ascension Missions:
There are 4 missions during this part that require you to fully ascend a champion of each affinity, for example, “Ascend a Void Champion to Level 6 of Ascension”, you will need to level up 4 new Champions for these missions (or don’t fully ascend the ones you have already levelled) – picking these can be challenging at times due to the fact that you may not actually want to invest in any of your options, but needs a must!
Overall Thoughts:
It’s been a long while since I’ve gone back through the Arbiter Missions, particularly the latter stages as things have always got in the way of me being able to commit to finishing the Free 2 Play Challenges we’ve done annually, but in my opinion (and experience thus far) these have been the biggest roadblocks and hurdles – I will update Part 3 and 4 as and when I complete them on my F2P 2025 Account, if I notice any new hurdles/other obstacles that deserve a mention.
As mentioned above, this is solely based on my own experiences, so please let me know in the comments if there are any Arbiter missions you’re particularly struggling with!