Banner Lords
Published On: February 16, 2024
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Banner Lords Boosted Summon Event! Raid Shadow Legends

Plarium has just released information about an event that will start this Monday, giving us an increased chance of picking up Banner Lord Champions.

This event comes as a massive drive to get people to pick up more Banner Lords to work in unison with the recent addition Acelin the Stalwart with Faction Unity Skills.

However, it’s worth noting that Acelin himself is NOT included in the summon boost.

Let’s check out Plarium’s announcement…

Plarium Announcement

Hey y’all!

Today we are announcing an event that you haven’t seen in a while

On Monday, February 19th, we’re planning to launch x5 event to summon Banner Lords Faction Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards.

This boost will affect all Faction Rarities, but please note, that it will not work for Primal Shards or Champions with Faction Unity skills i.e. Acelin the Stalwart.

This event will last 24 hours.

Should you pull shards?

Given the fact we are coming directly out of a 2x Ancient Event into this Banner Lord Summon event, it is unlikely people we have shards left due to the fact that it is part of an active Fusion; but with that in mind, if you are hunting for specific Void Legendaries who are Banner lords; ie Taras and Marichka, pulling Void Shards with this boost may not be the worst decision as Voids Champion pool is much smaller, but you are much better off holding for a 10x or Progressive Summon event for the pair of them OR an outright 2x Void event in this case due to the fact that the odds are not going to be boosted for actually getting a legendary.

This is one of those events that could potentially be used quite heavily by the top spenders in the game to get themselves extra awakening levels, but maybe not the best for a lower spender or Free to Play, you will be better off saving your shards this time around.

Will you be pulling shards for any Banner Lords on Monday? Let us know in the comments!

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