Published On: December 17, 2021
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Champion Spotlight: Shaman

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Shaman is a Force affinity epic from the Orcs faction. Shaman is the first free champion you will get as a login reward. Once you log in for 7 separate days you will get this epic to work on. However, recently Plarium has been replacing her with Special limited champions like Ninja and, most recently, Aleksandr the Sharpshooter. Shaman is not particularly strong however will help you in the early game Arena as a champion that can revive one of your champions with an added shield. Once you have moved away from using her in Arena forget about her, put her in the vault and let her gather dust.

Later in the game Shaman can be useful but only really used in Faction Wars to ensure you get three stars on levels, reviving fallen allies, that’s it and even at that you will probably have better Orc epics that can revive by that time.

If you are using the A1 to remove buffs, you will need accuracy in her build. I wouldn’t recommend this, preferring a defensive build with good speed. I wouldn’t take Shaman past level 50 and do not see a need to take her masteries to tier 6 or the need to invest many books/tomes into her. These will just be wasted resources that can be used for a lot better Champion’s.



A1 Dispelling Blow [ATK] Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 25% chance of removing 1 random buff from the target.

Level 2: Damage +5%

Level 3: Damage +5%

Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%

Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%

A2 Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 15% Increase C. RATE buff on all allies for 2 turns.

Level 2: Damage +5%

Level 3: Damage +5%

Level 4: Damage +10%

Level 5: Cooldown -1

A3 Revives an ally with 50% of their HP. Places a Shield buff on the target equal to 20% of the target’s HP.

Level 2: Cooldown -1

Level 3: Cooldown -1


Increases Ally DEF in Faction Crypts by 23%

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3 years ago

Could you show the cooldown of the skills

3 years ago
Reply to  Elhainuser

Click through to the links to the Shaman page and you’ll see the CD, with all of the details.