Crazy Start in RAID:Shadow Legends
Over last weekend, we became aware of a ridiculously overpowered way to start a brand new account in RAID: Shadow Legends, where you could guarantee yourself multiple copies of different Legendaries, as well as some top-tier epic Champions.
Plarium has now fixed this, but it was so out of this world crazy that we just had to try it out, here’s what happened!
Just a warning; anybody who has done, the accounts will likely be banned or reset as it’s truly an unfair way to start RAID and clearly not intentional, so do not spend any money on this account.
Step 1: Complete the Tutorial
After completing the tutorial, you are around level 2 and you receive your first in-game mail, featuring the first of many copies of Karato Foxhunter, along with some xp brews, silver and ascension potions.
Step 2: The Apprentice Pass
Reaching level 3 takes just 1 or 2 more stages of the Campaign after you have received your first in-game mail containing Karato. Upon reaching level 3, you gain access to the brand new feature, the Apprentice Pass which will be doing a full write-up of in the next few days once we’ve had the chance to explore it fully!
The Apprentice Pass gives you loads of resources as rewards for completing basic in-game tasks, mostly orientated around upgrading your starter Champion.
It will also give you some Lifesteal gear which will really help you progress through the campaign!
And now the fun truly begins, after hitting level 5 on your account which will take minutes, you get a massive amount of mail again – this time containing even more legendary Champions, and your first epic – Fayne.
The total rewards for the level 5 milestone are as follows:
- Fayne
- Elenaril
- Duplicate Karato Foxhunter
- 3x Energy Refills
- 1x Epic Skill Tome
- 15x Greater Arcane Potions
- 10x Greater Spirit Potions
- 700k Silver
- 10x Magic XP Brews
- 20x Spirit XP Brews
- 10x Greater Magic Potion
- 20x Lesser Spirit Potion
Step 4: Things get Crazy!
Next up, you want to push towards Account level 8, and this is where things truly go mad because upon reaching this level, you get even more mail!
This time you’ll receive the following Champions:
- Ultimate Galek
- Elenaril x4
- Fayne x2
- Karato Foxhunter x3
As well as these Champions, you’ll get a large amount of silver, skill tomes and energy refills!
Step 5: It’s nearly over – Push to level 10
The last step you have to make once you reach level 15, is deciding whether or not you want to empower your Karato and Elenaril, or trade in the duplicates for powerful legendaries that will carry your account, for example; Sir Nicholas, who will provide you with Unkillable, Continuous Heal buffs and Shields based on his damage, he is an incredibly powerful early-game Champion.
It’s also now that you can empower Fayne to +2 to make her even stronger for your early Clan Boss teams!
Final Step: Token Trader
When you have already acquired a huge amount of Legendaries, you’re very nearly done, all you need to do now to complete the milestone rewards is reach level 10, upon doing so you will receive EVEN more Champions in your mail…
You’ll get the following Champions amongst other rewards:
- Vergis
- Uugo
- Mausoleum Mage
- ANOTHER Karato Foxhunter
This will leave your roster looking something like the image above
That’s a wonderful start, its a bit extreme, but not by much. The game is too punishing most of the time.
I saw boozor’s video on this the night he posted it and immediately gave it a shot. I’ve still got the account, have now got Loki as well and no sign of a ban…yet. ftp for sure.
Is this still possible?