Free Chickens to Celebrate ThanksGiving!
The team at Raid Shadow Legends celebrates Thanksgiving by giving players free chickens! However, there is a catch, you only have a limited time to claim this free giveaway. This promotion will only last for 24 hours.
To claim them open up your game and they will be there like a pack offer.
The packs will differ depending on your account level. If your account is level 30+ in Raid Shadow Legends then your pack should look like this:
Then if you are lower level it will look like this:
These packs are really helpful to boost the levels of your champions. Chickens are a priority for the early game so getting 11 free chickens is amazing. Especially for all the F2P players, this free pack is great for you.
While it is nice to see that the team at Raid Shadow Legends has given away some goodies in the game we also think it is a bit of a shame that lower-level accounts, who would most benefit from this pack, are missing out on the boost toward their first level 60 champion. C’mon Plarium! It is already an insane grind to get your first level 60 champion in the game and start really enjoying it, there would be nothing but good from giving this pack to everyone!
There is no free gift, they charge 9.99 :(
Looks like its a PC mistake, I took it on Android…
Thre are offers too, you may have missed it.
got mine on ipad