Guaranteed Legendary + New Promo Code!
Raid has given us a message to decipher and it was a tricky one but the brilliant mind of Saphyrra may have figured it out! Who knew anyone knew Morse Code in this day and age!
Here’s what Plarium posted:
Hello, Raiders!
— Raid: Shadow Legends (@RaidRPG) February 2, 2023
We're preparing something special for you tomorrow - a Guaranteed Summon Event!
We encrypted the name of the guaranteed Champion in the picture on this publication - will you be able to crack this code?
Now we think we were able to creak the code however they threw us off the scent by posting a different shard to what the champion actually is!
We think it is a Void Legendary Chaagur as this is the morse code translation!
Chaagur is the chosen sacrificial lamb for empowering Ramantu Drakesblood. You may want to think twice about doing that, Chaagur has some very powerful mechanics. His A2 starts a powerful chain of events that can effectively control and lock out a team. He’ll place a 4 turn duration Poison debuff alongside a Decrease Defence debuff. This may not sound strong until you look at this Constant Agony passive.
Once an enemy takes damage from his poison, Chaagur will interrupt their attack, will then attack with his A1 ability which has a 75% chance to place sleep effectively locking them out of their turn. Importantly he will place sleep after he attacks so you could hypothetically lock the enemy from taking a turn should your sleep always place.
Chaagur is very good for Sand Devil with his sleep on the a1.
His damage is not off the charts but he also has built in mechanics in his A3 to cycle back to his A2. Certainly a powerful Drake!
His passive will not proc from other champions placing a poison but will proc from toxic gear if he places that hit!
New Promo code!
On top of this exciting news there is a new Promo Code for all players!
Make sure you claim it as we aren’t sure how long it will stick around for!
It gives some nice rewards of energy and more!
Chaagur is solid, but prob not worth more than 90 voids. and the promo code is decent as per usual.
The code WOULD of been good….if it worked!
Is this code for new accounts only ? Because it doesn’t seem to work.
Sajnálatos modon nem műkődik
Just a few hours and the promo code is already invalid :(
Why isn’t the promo working?
Invalid code
invalid on mobile and PC.
Interesting a second guaranteed champion on voids in a row. The code does not work.
Another code that comes up invalid…About 1 out of 4 works for me when posted…Is it me???
Yeah, couldnt get this one to work :(
Promo not working….
Tried the code….not valid
I can’t remember the last promo code to work.. alas.
el codigo no dsirve, nose porque juegan asi con la comunidad. ¬¬
Code invalid. The Genbo Prime code gave me a code expired on February 2 (release date of code). Genbo appeared in my inbox at rollover this AM. Codes are seriously screwed up.
I can also affirm the code CARIBBERAID does not work
From Plarium, “recently there have appeared a promo code Caribberaid – it was intended to be a part of the activity that will be launched a bit later. This campaign was activated prematurely and soon after that was de-activated again. All the details will be shared in due time. Currently the whole campaign is de-activated and is meant to be activated again somewhat later”
hello! why this code doesn’t work? region problems?