Published On: December 20, 2021
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Guaranteed Summons – Gamuran

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This week for Clan vs Clan (Starting tomorrow, 21/12/2021) Plarium has announced there will be a guaranteed summon event, where you can get your hands on the newly released Shadowkin Legendary, Gamuran.

One thing to remember, this weekend (24/12/2021) there is a Champion Chase Tournament which is part of the Tatura Rimehide Fusion, and we also anticipate a 2x Ancient Shard event running throughout Christmas Weekend.

Here’s Plariums announcement:

Hey folks! On Tuesday, December 21st, we’re planning to launch a Guaranteed Champion event.
You are already familiar with the rules, but here they are just in case.
Summon Champions using Ancient Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get Gamuran by your 150th Ancient Shard.
Remember, if you do happen to summon Gamuran before your 150th Ancient Shard, your event will end.
And summoning Gamuran on your 150th Ancient Shard won’t reset your Mercy System counters.
The event will be active for 48 hours.

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