HH Gaming Christmas Coverage
Hey guys,
We thought it was important to let you know our plans for the Christmas period. HH Gaming is an extremely dedicated team and we love the support that our community provides every day. With the Christmas period in full swing, we will be having a few days where there is lower support than usual on the site and with the optimiser so that our team members can spend time with their families and get some well-deserved rest.
During these days you can still email and message us on discord, however, responses will be slower than usual and it may take a day or 2 for the team to come back to you.
Date | Operational Hours |
20th-23rd Dec | Normal Support |
24th Dec | Limited |
25th & 26th Dec | Closed |
27th-31st Dec | Limited |
1st Jan | Closed |
2nd Jan | Normal Support |
During this time it is important to note that we will still be updating the site with any news that drops in Raid Shadow Legends and the other games that we cover, however, we may be a bit slower than normal with getting it out to the community.
Streaming Schedules
HellHades’ final Twitch stream will be on Friday the 23rd of December 2022 where he will be doing a shard-pulling stream with Lady H. After that he will not be streaming until Tuesday 3rd of January 2023.
Saphyrra will also return to YouTube Streaming on Monday 2nd of January 2023.
We hope that everyone in our community has an amazing Christmas and a very Happy New Year! We will be back as normal from the 2nd of January and we have some exciting content planned for the upcoming months. The support that you, as our community, have given us in 2022 has blown us away and we are excited to return in full force after the Christmas break!
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Holiday Season