Lockers Shares His Favourite Champion Designs!
The art style of champions in Raid is one of its most renowned aspects. With each new patch, we are consistently amazed by the creativity and intricate details that go into every champion. Today, we explore HH Gaming’s very own Lockers’ list of champions he believes have the best designs!
Yakarl the Scourge truly stands out as a Barbarian, possibly due to his unique backdrop compared to other champions. His icy theme is perfectly captured through his frozen axe and chilling presence. The detailing on his arm and chest plate, highlighted by striking blue tattoos, adds to his imposing look. He’s definitely a warrior I’d want on my team.
Cardiel, from the Sacred Order faction, has an intricate design with his wings, weapon, and shield, all contributing to his majestic appearance. The colours blend seamlessly, and the halo perfectly ties the entire look together, making him look truly badass!
Myciliac Priest Orn reflects his role as a Poison champion, with his infection riddled skin and toxic mushroom form. Even his staff is covered with poisonous mushrooms, and the sap dripping from his cap completes his venomous aesthetic.
Goffred Brassclad from the Dwarves faction epitomizes a tanky defensive unit with his robust armour and chains. His name perfectly matches his brass colour scheme, and his design reminds me of Nautilus from League of Legends, a character I frequently play.
Staltus Dragonbane, from the Banner Lords faction, perfectly embodies the essence of a knight. His Dracomorph helmet, worn as a trophy, signals that he is not to be messed with. The intricate scale detailing on his legs enhances his formidable appearance, making him one of the best-looking champions in the game.