New Mythical Champion – Karnage the Anarch
Plarium has released all of the information about the latest Mythical Champion, which can only be earned by completing enough of the Cursed City, which is released alongside Patch 8.0 this week – you can find out more about this patch in our dedicated article.
Karnage the Anarch
Faction: Demonspawn
Rarity: Mythical
Affinity: Spirit
Type: ATK
Let’s check him out!
Plarium’s thoughts on Karnage:
Arena will be the main place to shine for Karnage the Anarch And a brand-new [Seal] debuff will be a very interesting thing to work with.
This debuff allows you to “turn off” the effects from Gear Sets and Masteries, except stat boosts granted by Artifacts and Accessories, as well as Masteries that only boost stats like Blade Disciple, Flawless Execution, etc. And it doesn’t block effects that were activated before these debuffs were placed.
In the Base Form, Karnage’s main goal is to debuff the enemy team to gain maximum bonuses in his Alternate Form afterwards.
While in the Alternate Form Karnage the Anarch becomes a pure Damage Dealer that boosts his performance thanks to debuffs on his enemies.
Karnage the Anarch: Base Form
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Has a 50% chance of removing 1 random buff from the target.
[Passive Effect]
Whenever an enemy hits this Champion or an ally, has a 50% chance to counterattack with this skill.
This chance increases by 10% for each debuff on the enemy.
- Level 2 – Damage +15%
- Level 3 – Ignore Resistance +15%
Devilish Accord – Cooldown: 4 Turns
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times.
Before attacking, swaps HP with an enemy, and then steals all buffs from them. Also transfers all debuffs from this Champion to the target, and places a [Seal] debuff on the target for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be removed.
This debuff cannot be resisted or blocked if the target has 50% HP or less.
- Level 2 – Cooldown -1
Trinity of Pain – Cooldown: 3 Turns
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. The first hit places a [Block Passive Skills] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be removed.
The second hit places a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be removed.
The third hit steals 100% of the target’s Turn Meter.
- Level 2 – Ignore Resistance +15%
- Level 3 – Ignore Resistance +15%
Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns
Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.
Avatar of Anarchy [P]
Each hit this Champion deals from skills has a 50% chance of applying a [Debuff Spread] effect, taking 1 random debuff from the target and placing it on all enemies.
Whenever This Champion kills an enemy, has a 100% chance of applying a [Debuff Spread] effect, taking all debuffs from the target and placing them on all enemies. This effect cannot be resisted.
Increases Ally SPD in Arena Battles by 33%.
Karnage the Anarch: Alternate Form
Demon Stinger
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Heals this Champion by 20% of the damage inflicted.
[Passive Effect]
Whenever an enemy hits this Champion or an ally, has a 50% chance to counterattack with this skill. This chance increases by 10% for each debuff on the enemy.
- Level 2 – Damage +15%
- Level 3 – Damage +15%
Singularity of Pain – Cooldown: 4 Turns
Attack all enemies. Will ignore [Shield] buffs.
Will also ignore [Ally Protection] buffs when attacking enemies under 1 or more debuffs, and [Unkillable] buffs when attacking enemies under 2 or more debuffs.
- Level 2 – Damage +20%
- Level 3 – Cooldown -1
Infernal Stars – Cooldown: 5 Turns
Attacks all enemies 2 times.
If a target is killed by this skill while under 3 or more different debuffs, places a [Block Revive] debuff on them.
Also heals this Champion by 30% of the damage dealt.
- Level 2 – Damage +20%
- Level 3 – Cooldown -1
Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns
Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.
Unending Karnage [P]
This Champion’s C.DMG increases by 1% for every 3 points of ACC they have.
Ignores 10% of the target’s DEF for each debuff they are under.
Increases Ally SPD in Arena Battles by 33%.
Let us know what you think of Karnage the Anarch in the comments below!