Published On: February 23, 2021
Start your Raid Journey Today!

Raid Shadow Legends Astralon – Valentine’s Fusion Guide


Love is in the air, and so are many new champions, including the latest Fusion – Astralon! As always, we’re here to help you with all the information about the latest Raid: Shadow Legends fusion and what you will need to make sure you can complete events as they drop.

In order to fuse this new legendary champion, Astralon – you will need to collect 4 Lodric Falconheart, a new epic spirit affinity champion, copies of this Champion will be available through special events and tournaments over the coming weeks.

With this fusion, as always you will be able to fuse the epic champions required by obtaining 4 rare champions each, Abyssal, Boltsmith, Flailer, Scrapper – these are the same for each copy of Lodric.


Astralon the Valentine’s Fusion!

Astralon is a Magic Affinity, Sacred Order, ATK based legendary.

We would always recommend that you go for fusion champions if you have the resources as anything can change with champions in the future, however, currently, overall we feel that Astralon is a good legendary, his kit is aimed at arena battles to counter certain matchups, specifically taking on a team that is hidden behind the veil or perfect veil buffs, as his A3 removes those buffs then has a chance to stun. His A2 also ignores popular arena enemy buffs such as ally protection, increase DEF and Strengthen. If he is paired with Countess Lix his A1 also makes her attack, with an ally attack.


Event Calendar:

Friday February 12th:
Champion Chase – Abyssal + Lodric Falconheart
Classic Arena Takedown – Flailer

Saturday February 13th:
Dungeon Divers 1 – Boltsmith
Champion Training Tournament – Boltsmith
Fire Knight Tournament – Abyssal

Monday February 15th:
Artifact Enhancement 1 – Flailer

Tuesday February 16th:
Dragon Tournament – Scrapper

Thursday February 18th:
Champion Training Event – Scrapper + Boltsmith

Friday February 19th:
Summon Rush Event – Scrapper + Lodric Falconheart
Classic Arena Takedown 2 – Abyssal
Dungeon Divers 2 – Flailer
Ice Golem Tournament – Flailer

Sunday February 21st:
Artifact Enhancement 2 – Abyssal

Tuesday February 23rd:
Dungeon Divers 3 – Scrapper
Spider Tournament – Boltsmith


Potion Requirements:

This fusion will require a LOT of spirit potions to achieve so make sure you don’t get caught short on the days that the Spirit Keep is open.

Required Potions:


  • 40 lesser
  • 16 greater


  • 40 lesser
  • 16 greater


  • 40 lesser
  • 16 greater


  • 40 lesser
  • 96 greater
  • 24 superior


  • 80 lesser
  • 108 greater
  • 12 superior

Event Guide:

The point requirements in this guide, are based on a late-game account, these points may vary depending on your account level


Day 1 Update:

New events:
Champion Chase – 1150 points – Abyssal – 2500 points – Lodric Falconheart
Arena Takedown Tournament – 280 points – Flailer

Arena Takedown Tournament:

The Arena Tournament is very easy to complete, just use your arena battles as per usual, and you will passively collect this rare at 280 points.

Champion Chase Event:
1150 required for the rare and 2500 for the epic champion
For this you will need to pull as many shards as you need, to at least get the rare, you can also do this with mystery shards for 1 point per shard, if you don’t have other shards to use during the event, but remember – champions from the market and campaign will also count towards these points, which can tie in nicely with Champion Training. This does line up with Void 2x Event, so good luck on your void pulls if you have saved any!


Day 2 Fusion Update:

New Events:
Champion Training Tournament – 3100 points – Boltsmith
Dungeon Divers Event 1 – 2500 points – Boltsmith
Fire Knight Tournament  – 1375 points – Abyssal


The champion training tournament is very similar to a champion training event in terms of how to earn points, but the key difference is you can gain points for ascending your champions, a great way to stockpile points is by ascending the first few ranks on lots of champions, this will help make up your points, 3100 should be fairly easy for most in the time frame for the event.

If you’ve not already done so, I suggest preparing the food required for all of your fusion components during this time, as that will get you most of the way, if not all of the way to completing the required points to get Boltsmith

Dungeon Divers event, nicely lining up with both Fire Knights Tournament AND Champion training will allow you to get simultaneous points while either farming Fire Knight and food in the campaign, due to how easy the champion training points are, I would personally recommend getting that out the way first, before focussing all energy onto Fire Knight for the remainder of its time.

Fire Knights tournament requires 1375 points, that is an average of 85 runs at level 20, as the minimum points per run of stage 20 are 16, equal to its energy cost. This means it will take just shy of 85 runs with the worst possible luck.


Monday 15th Update:

New Events:

Artifact Enhancement 1 – points – Flailer


To obtain the rare from today’s event, you need to earn 2,000 points in the artifact enhancement event, this one is nice and easy and there are 2 great ways to do it quickly depending on how much silver you have and how prepared you were for the event.

To complete the event with 2000 points it will take 6x 6* items to level 16, Which will take a large amount of silver, usually, an event like this will consume anywhere between 5-15 million silver.

1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.

2. The other really good option for these events, is doing a good old gear clear-out, roll things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, sell things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is:

Do what Hellhades does best, and burn that silver!


Update 4: Tuesday 16th February:

New Events:

Dragon Tournament


Today, we get our first of 4 void rares, Scrapper – unless you pulled yourselves one during 2x voids last weekend. To get scrapper from Dragon it will require 2250 points. Which is roughly 2250 energy / ~140 runs if you are farming stage 20 Dragon, of course, this will vary on the stage that you are farming.

This also overlaps with Dungeon divers event, so great for getting additional points there too!


Daily Fusion Update: Thursday 18th

New Events:

Champion Training Tournament – 3200 points – Boltsmith / 7150 points – Scrapper


I hope your campaign farmer is ready! Because over the course of the next few days it’s time to get well acquainted with the campaign, time to level all of those champions you’ve been waiting to build, or just farm food in anticipation for things you might pull in the future! To get both rares from this event you’ll need a total of 7,150 points, which over 7 days really isn’t a large amount, but it will take some work.


Friday 19th Update:

New Events:

Summon Rush Event – 1070 points – Scrapper – 3000 points – Lodric Falconheart
Classic Arena Tournament – 280 points – Abyssal
Dungeon Divers 2 – 1300 points – Flailer
Ice Golem Tournament – 1375 points –

Summon Rush:


Today’s summon rush is now live! To max the event for the rare AND epic here you need 3000 points, use your shards carefully and work your points out for this as you won’t want to use unnecessary shards outside of 2x.

Arena Takedown Tournament:

As per usual, just use your daily arena battles, to earn this rare, just make sure you’re using all your battles and winning as often as you can!

Dungeon Divers 2:

Because this event syncs up with both Ice golem tournament and Champion training, there’s lots of ways to passively complete this event, with its very low requirement, just run the content you need to do for other rares and this one will come passively!

Ice Golem Tournament:

To complete this event, you need 1375 points, which is roughly 1375 energy (85 runs at level 20) to get the rare Flailer. This will sync up nicely with Dungeon divers allowing you to double dip for rewards while working towards Astralon!


Sunday 21st Update:

New Events:

Artifact Enhancement 1 – 2625 points – Abyssal


To obtain the rare from today’s event, you need to earn 2,625 points in the artifact enhancement event, this one is nice and easy and there are 2 great ways to do it quickly depending on how much silver you have and how prepared you were for the event.

To complete the event with 2625 points it will take 8 x 6* items to level 16, Which will take a large amount of silver, usually, an event like this will consume anywhere between 5-15 million silver.

1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.

2. The other really good option for these events, is doing a good old gear clear-out, roll things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, sell things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is:


Final Fusion Update:

New Events:

Spider Tournament – 1800 points – Boltsmith
Dungeon Divers 3 – 2700 points – Scrapper

These two events are the FINAL events of the fusion, so they are your last chance to pick up the rares you need to fuse Astralon, thankfully they go hand in hand, so you can put all your energy into farming spider, which will subsequently get you silver for the currently active artifact enhancement event while also gaining points in the Dungeon Divers Event!

To get 1800 points in Spider, it’s going to require around 1800 energy at stage 20, assuming the worst possible items dropping every run.

Good luck with the fusion, I hope you get him!

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4 years ago

For the champion chase event ensure that you fuse brago and if you are low fuse relickeeper.

4 years ago

Would be great if you could put the number of each potions needed for this fusions.

4 years ago

HH. Please look into chat intervention, as I just posted to my clan and the screen went black and the end of the post I made was changed and wasn’t mine! I think plarium devs are monitoring keywords as my post was not that offensive, just constructive! Was extremely freaked out by what happened.

4 years ago

If I am looking at this right, I don’t NEED to get the epic “drops” from the events to complete the fusion. Is that right? I just need to collect all the rares. I am sure it’s more work to get all the rares but they give us enough rares to complete it right without the epics, right? I’ve been playing for about 4 weeks and not 100$ up to speed yet.

4 years ago
Reply to  TheLordsBreed

Correct, all the rares can make 4 copies of the epic – getting the epics from events just means you can ignore certain events for rares :)

3 years ago
Reply to  TheLordsBreed

i’ll be doing my best to end up with the fusion and one of the epics as i need a shield champion as i have never pulled metalshaper in the 2 years i have been playing raid

4 years ago

Hi! will fusing Lordic from 4 rares give points in summon rush event? or we can obtain points only by opening shards?

4 years ago

I think it’s just shards. Here is the event wording. “You can earn the following event points by summoning Champions from shards:” If you don’t need him fused right away you can wait to confirm though.

4 years ago
Reply to  TheLordsBreed

:( sad but this is what i thought the answer will be.. thye are not helping f2p dont they huh? :P

4 years ago

So I have already leveled up and fully ascended 5 1/2 champions before I decided to come to this page and see what my potion requirements are.

You have listed our overall potion requirements. Is it possible if you could list each champions individual potion requirements?

I need to know if I need to grind for any more spirit potions while the keep is still open.

So far I’ve fully 4 Star
ascended 2 abyssal’s and 2 stared a Lodric before I ran out of arcane potions.

I have 281 lessor, 116 greater, and 1 superior spirit potions left.

I need to know if that will be enough to acsend the remaining 3 1/2 lodric’s.

Thanks man!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Brian550

The good thing is in 2 days I’ll get an additional 6 superior spirit potions from my day 216 daily log in rewards. :-)

4 years ago
Reply to  Brian550

Hey Brian,

comment image
comment image

Here are some charts showing the breakdown for each level, Since your case is pretty unique, I’d suggest subtracting what you’ve done from the totals so you can see what you will need for the rest!

I will, however, look at adding a section for what each individual champion will need if I can find a few minutes free!

3 years ago
Reply to  Neva

Is ‘Neva’ = ‘Hellhades’? Either way, thanks man.

3 years ago
Reply to  Neva

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I just checked out the links and was able to calculate what I had left to collect. Realized I had enough force potions already. That saved me a day of collecting force potions I didn’t need. Now I can for us on arcane dust today. Super helpful, thank you.

4 years ago

Please list individual potion requirements for each champ. I won’t be collecting all the Rares because the Classic Arena Takedown is impossible for me when I am stuck in Bronze 1 and only get 1 point per win. It really feels bad when everyone says this is so easy to do. Spirit Keep is also being a pain giving me all the required pots.

3 years ago

I am looking good at the moment, might all come down to Spider Event, this is the dungeon I am struggling on, others I can hit 20 all the time, Spider, without Coldheart and a couple others I struggle.

3 years ago

Got my Astralon a few hours ago. He looks so damn sick and also hits quite hard.

3 years ago

Hi. I won’t be able to get a Scrapper out of the Summon Rush event. Even with three Scrappers, I’ll come short. I also couldn’t get the first Lodric and the second one’s now avaliable is also through the Summon Rush event which I won’t get. Should I just give it up on the fusion and focus elsewhere? Or am I missing another way of getting the fourth Scrapper?

3 years ago

Any idea if the events on the 23rd are the last ? I’ll end up missing one bolt smith, if my calculations are correct. :(

3 years ago
Reply to  Phixion

dang, thank you for the reply @Phixion.

3 years ago

This was my 1st fusion as F2P that I managed to complete … now I have the resources to fuse the Falcon but Scapper which I think will come in the event tomorrow, but the fusion menu doesn’t show up anymore :(
Is there a way to get it back if I get Scapper?

3 years ago

Think its a good idea to wait to fuse him this weekend in case of a champ chase event?