Published On: July 9, 2021
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Raid: Shadow Legends Champion Spotlight: War Mother

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Warmother is a Magic affinity, legendary champion from the Ogryn Tribes faction.

Wildly considered one of the laughing stocks of Raid, but could she actually be useful?

Warmother is a Bomb Champion who can also instantly detonate all bombs on her A3 ability and this is nothing to be laughed at – as much as bombs are generally not very useful in most PVE content, they actually serve a great job in Faction Wars and Arena due to the fact that they ignore all defense.

As previously mentioned, Warmother is quite a meme – she even managed to make her way onto a content creator as a tattoo!

But in the early game, when you’re short on options – if you’re fortunate(?) enough to pull her early, she may be very useful for you in helping you to clear wave content and also in Clan Boss due to her A1 bringing a 50% Decrease Attack debuff.

I think we need to cut her some slack, she’s beautiful after all – and a strong working mother who will protect her baby(?) at all costs!

But all in all, as much as she isn’t the most sought-after legendary, she really can be useful for early-midgame accounts and even later on in Faction Wars, but there are many other legendaries you would be happier to pull.


Cry Havoc [ATK] Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit places a 50% Decrease ATK debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%

Damage Multiplier: 1.9 ATK

Damage Grade: Strong

Special Brew [ATK] Cooldown: 4 turns
Attacks all enemies. Places two Bomb debuffs that detonate after 3 turns. Bomb damage increases by 100% against bosses.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 4: Cooldown -1

Damage Multiplier: 4.25 ATK

Mother’s Touch [ATK] Cooldown: 5 turns
Attacks all enemies. Instantly detonates all Bomb debuffs if this attack is critical.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Cooldown -1

Damage Multiplier: 4.5 ATK

Increases Ally ACC in Faction Crypts by 65

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Ben Ngaihte
Ben Ngaihte
1 year ago

update the skill details, a2 is two detonate after two turns and a3 is not critical, if shes under increased attack bombs detonates instantly