RAID: Shadow Legends Patch 9.30 Highlights
Welcome to the RAID: Shadow Legends Patch 9.30 Highlights, where Plarium have released an overview of the upcoming patch that will be going live soon.
There are some new quality-of-life, and personalized changes coming to the game, including player avatar frames and new badges, where as you progress through RAID, you can work up somewhat of a trophy cabinet based on how you’ve got on in various different places!
This patch will also see the Legendary Champion Rebalance which was announced last week and the long-awaited Token Trader Update!
Let’s check it out…
Patch 9.30 Highlights
Greetings, everyone!
Update 9.30 will continue to expand our efforts in overhauling player profiles by adding fancy Avatar Frames and new Badges. Furthermore, it will introduce minor changes to Siege Battle victory conditions and adjustments to the Token Trader feature in the Guardian Ring. New Champions and balance adjustments are to be expected as well!
You can find the detailed breakdown of the Update below.
Token Trader Update
The Token Trader tab in the Guardian Ring will be expanded to include two dynamic Champion slots. These will be on a rotation and change every 6 months to introduce new Champions. The price for each dynamic slot will remain unchanged – 3000 tokens, no matter which Champion is on offer.
Unlike other slots, you’ll be able to purchase the same Champion multiple times if they appear across several rotations. But keep in mind that once claimed, the dynamic slot becomes unavailable until the next rotation.
Furthermore, we have chosen the first two Champions to be presented in the rotation specifically to cover particular Community needs. Lanakis the Chosen is a solid Champion with an Ally Attack Skill that increases Turn Meter on top of that and the ability to apply team-wide buffs, and she can be a useful addition to many teams. Nobel, on the other hand, is required to Empower Ninja in the Guardian Ring, so having an easier option to procure one should be helpful in making your unique Champion stronger.
Avatar Frames & New Badges
Avatar Frames will be introduced in Update 9.30. These do not require too much explanation at their core – they are frames of various designs, which you can use to supplement your player avatar to make your profile unique or show off a specific achievement.
Some frames will be obtainable via regular game activities such as various Arenas, Cursed City rewards, Hydra Battle rewards, and so on. Others will be unique to Events, Tournaments, and so on. Don’t worry, if Avatar Frame rewards are added to any milestones you’ve achieved already, you can claim those Frames retroactively.
Avatar Frames will be added to the editing tab, where you would normally change your profile avatar. So don’t forget to drop by after 9.30 goes live and check it out!
Furthermore, we are adding a whole heap of shiny new Badges for various RAID achievements. Check them out in the game after the update.
Siege Battle Victory Conditions
In order to reduce the number of inconclusive results, we’ll add the following changes to Siege victory conditions:
- Should both Clans capture each other’s Stronghold and get the same amount of medals, victory will go to the Clan that captured more garrison slots;
- Should all of the above results be the same, victory goes to the Clan that took fewer turns to achieve them.
The future plans to improve Siege that we listed in our RAID Digests (23.08 and 06.09 ) remain unchanged. Take a look at both articles if you’d like to get an early glimpse of what awaits this massive game mode in the future Updates!
This champ rebalance is dope ah tis has been what I’ve been wanting