Alatreon Blademaster
Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Alatreon Blademaster Overview
This legendary Bladmaster is widely known for slaying the strongest of monsters… However, a cat named Palico revealed that powerful beasts are causing havoc in Telaria… So he picked up his formidable Scythe, and is now ready to hunt them down! Alatreon Blademaster is an exclusive champion from the Raid X Monster Hunter collaboration, and has joined the Knights Revenant Faction.
Although this warrior remains ready to slash his foe, Alatreon has discovered his true power comes from supporting his team. The power of his Reaping Slash [A2] has universal value, as he places Increase Defence & Shield buffs on allies, which become protected when facing bosses. Whether you’re facing the Head Of Mischief who steals your buffs, or Amius who can substitute them negatively, the protected value will nullify the chance of them being removed. The theme of protection resumes with Cleanser Booster [A3], as he removes all debuffs, then places a Block Debuffs buff on allies [which become protected against bosses]. When facing bosses such as Bommal, this will be a great counter for the bombs being placed on your champions, or simply the Dragon to block incoming poisons [as examples]. Last but not least, his Foresight Slash [A1] can extend the value of 2 random buffs on each individual by 1 turn, granting your team longer buff durations to support them further.