Last Updated: May 6, 2023
Aristocrat Overview
Duel wielding intimidating swords , dressed in elegant Elvan armour, Aristocrat is an uncommon attack champion from the High Elves faction.
She has a 35% chance to place a 50% heal reduction on 1 enemy, making this both low in Debuff chances & only being half as valuable as the 100% variation. This will be less impactful for theory crafting Nether spider teams, or consistency in content such as the Fire Knight.
Stinging rebuke has a 50% chance to place a 15% weaken, so again not bringing the bigger version of a debuff, making this un-desirable for players. Overall Aristocrat may only be useful for filling spaces in faction wars teams for early game stars, hopefully one day she can shine as much as her armour !
Aristocrat PVE Masteries
Aristocrat PVP Masteries
Aristocrat Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Speed, Accuracy.
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Accuracy, Perception.
Recommended PVP Stats