Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Genzin Overview
A true master of ancient Shinobi arts, this assassin rises from darkness set to slash his enemies into a million pieces. Genzin is a Legendary attack champion residing from the Shadowkin realm.
If seeking a super charged Turn Meter warrior providing multi hits and damage, then Lord Genzin is your Shinobi. Flowing Cuts slices his target 3 times with each hit filling his Turn Meter by 6% without conditions, which may be useful for players progressing through the Fire knights castle to reduce those tedious shield counters. Steel Parting has strong AOE potential, followed by a 100% chance of placing Decrease Defence, with each critical hit filling Genzin’s Turn Meter by 10%. In a perfect world, being able to increase your Turn Meter by up to 50% against waves is great ! Opening the opportunity to use other abilities more frequently, whilst being one of few champions able to place AOE Decrease Defence from this faction.
Pouncing in to action with Fated Vengeance, he ignores Unkillable and shield buffs with the chance of Decreasing skill cooldowns by 1 turn if killing your target. Ignoring these conditions is valuable when facing Swift Parry or Unkillable champions such as Skullcrown in Arena, or the Maneater wave in Faction Wars, as examples. What kind of Genzin skill would this be without Turn Meter fill ? Well you get a 60% increase if your target has below 50% HP, or 30% if above that threshold, once again assisting you gain extra offensive strikes.
To Conclude, Genzin is a Turn Meter energizer bunny focused primarily on dealing damage over multiple attacks instead of one trick pony nukes.