Gomlok Skyhide
Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Gomlok Skyhide Overview
This fateful trickster has battled for century’s to protect the hoard, with his powerful axe infused with tribal enchantments. Gomlok Skyhide is a Force affinity Legendary champion from the Orcs faction, and was buffed during patch 7.10.
Gomlok is obtainable by gathering secret room fragments from the Hard Doom Tower, and is used primarily for debuffing enemies and manipulating Turn Meter. Although the chances / cooldowns of his skills remain the same post buff, his A2 will now have a 100% chance to ‘Steal all buffs‘, whilst stealing 50% of the targets turn meter (without the previous requirement to have full HP). This change is great for consistency for encounters such as the Dark Fae, Fire Knight or the Faction Wars (as examples), as stealing coincides perfectly with a 2 turn cooldown to keeps bosses under control, whilst enabling Gomlok to cycle round to this skill more frequently.
Skyhide with his A2 attacks all enemies 2 times. The first hit has a 100% chance of placing a 60% Decrease Defence debuff and a 10% Turn Meter reduction, whilst the second hit has the chance to place 25 % Weaken when attacking with full HP. Unlike the A2 this skill wasn’t buffed, therefore taking damage will remove your chance to place weaken, however using his A1 leech will be a great way to heal back up! Gomlok’s Enchanter passive will now grant a 30% shield buff on this champion for 2 turns whenever 4 or more buffs are placed on the enemy team in a single turn, which is a 15% bonus shield from before the buff!
Gomlok Skyhide PVE Masteries
Gomlok Skyhide PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Gomlok Skyhide Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Speed, Perception, Accuracy, Lethal, Immortal
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Speed, Perception, Accuracy, Lethal, Savage