Mistrider Daithi
Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Mistrider Daithi Overview
Ever wondered what Legolas crossed with William Wallace would look like? Wonder no more – Mistrider Daithi plans to bring freeeeeedom to all of Nyresa with relentless abilities and lethal aim.
Daithi is best compared to someone like Whisper, a champion that can take multiple and extensive extra turns. His A3 will grant him Increase Attack to boost his damage and Increase Accuracy to reduce the accuracy you need to place Decrease Defence on his A2. The A3 gives him an extra turn and he also get another extra turn on the A3 if he places Decrease Defence on all enemies. So a single rotation is 3 guaranteed turns and potentially another with the A1 having a chance to grant also. Pair this with a relentless artifact set and you could be taking endless turns.
The key question will be his damage and whether this will match his potent turn taking abilities. If he hits hard – this could be a very fun champion! Also he brings AoE Decrease Defence which will be vital when the faction wars stages open.
Mistrider Daithi PVE Masteries
Mistrider Daithi PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Mistrider Daithi Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Relentless, Savage, Lethal, Perception
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Stoneskin, Relentless, Savage, Lethal