The Best Healers in Raid Shadow Legends
Healing has always been an essential part of any Raid Shadow Legends team. In the early game you rely on healing to help keep your champions alive for longer. As you progress healing takes up different forms but in most cases you’ll need to get your hands on a good healing champion at some point. Healing can take three forms:
- Direct Healing – Skills that restore missing HP based on either the Target’s MAX HP, the Healer’s MAX HP or a fixed amount
- Continuous Heal Buff – Restores HP on the champion based on their MAX HP when they take a turn.
- Leech Debuff – Heals 18% of the damage dealt to a target (must be Health removed therefore no healing takes place on Shield buff Damage or when a champion has 1 HP in Unkillable).
Below we have listed the best Healers excluding those who Leech only (as this is based on Damage which is conditional to your team’s ability to deal damage) currently available in Raid as of September 2024.
First up, let’s look at the best of the best from the Mythical and Legendary champions, then we’ll look at Epics in a section after that:
1. Marichka the Unbreakable
The female half of the famous Ukrainian “Tarischka” duo that has dominated arena, it is no surprise to hear that Marichka brings immense healing potential to her teams. Her A2 ability is the standout healing move here since it brings the very rare ability to fully restore allies’ destroyed Max HP, then heals them by a whopping 40% of Marichka’s Max HP, then places a Shield buff equal to 20% of her Max HP on them and a protected Strengthen buff as well. This move can bring a team from the brink of death to being an almost unassailable fortress. This is without mentioning all the other things she can do with her kit, which combine to make her one of the absolute best void legendaries every released in the history of the game.
2. Wythir the Crowned
Infamous for being an unkillable champion for many newer players in Gold 5 Classic Arena, Wythir brings a phenomenal amount of healing in her kit. With her passive she places a 1-turn continuous heal buff on the ally with the lowest HP whenever she takes a turn. With her A3 she fully cleanses your team and then heals them by 30% of Wythir’s Max HP. With her A2 she will place Increase Defence on your team, extend the duration of any Continuous Heal buffs, and then activate those Continuous Heal buffs. As if this wasn’t enough, her A1 attacks all enemies with a 50% chance of placing the Leech debuff and a 100% chance of placing a 2-turn Continuous Heal buff on the ally with the lowest HP.
3. Riho Bonespear
While Riho is arguably more known for her super powered debuffing capabilities, she is also one of the strongest healers in the game. With her A3 ability she can remove all debuffs from all allies, then places a Block Debuffs buff on them for 2 turns, then heals them by 35% of their Max HP, plus a further 5% for every debuff removed from them. Her A1 also puts out a 1-turn Continuous Heal on the ally with the lowest HP and another small Continuous Heal on all allies with less than 30% HP.
4. Androc the Glorious
Androc the strongest Mythical healer in the game in his base form. With his A3 ability he can place Strengthen and a 2-turn Continuous Heal on all allies for 2 turns. If any ally’s HP is below 50% he will place an additional 2-turn Continuous Heal on them. Then with his A2 ability he can increase the duration of all ally buffs by 1 turn (therefore making the continuous heals last longer) and heal them directly by 4% Max HP for every buff that was increased: this can easily heal allies by 20% HP with 5 buffs and can even go as high as a 40% heal with the maximum of 10 buffs. With a teamwide Increase Defence on his A1 and a surprising amount of turn-meter fill for your team on his passive, Androc can keep your team alive and pump out a huge amount of consistent healing while doing so.
5. Cardiel
Cardiel is definitely the easiest healer to under-rate since his only true source of healing is a 7.5% Max HP heal for your team on his A1. The trick here is that his passive ability gives him a 30% chance to join in with any ally attack with his A1, which adds up to a very surprising amount of healing. Pairing that with his cleanse, Block Debuffs buff, and Revive-on-death buff on his A2, and Cardiel will have no trouble solo-sustaining any team in Raid.
6. Minaya
Minaya came back into the spotlight when Amius came into the game in the Cursed City of Sintranos thanks to her reliable Heal Reduction debuff, but she also brings a huge amount of healing as well. Her A3 ability does a huge 40% Max HP heal for your entire team and gives them Block Debuffs for 2 turns as well. If she fully heals a teammate, they even gain a 25% Max HP shield. Her A2 heals her and her lowest HP ally by 30% of her Max HP and her A1 places a Continuous Heal on the lowest HP ally for 2 turns. Her passive even heals the whole team by 20% HP when Minaya dies. The only problem with Minaya’s healing which prevented her being rated at the top of this list is that her A3 has a 4-turn cooldown and that holds her back compared to the champions rated above her here.
7. Opardin Clanfather
Opardin’s greatest strength is also his greatest weakness: he does a ton of healing but not much else. However, should healing ever be in need, then you know where to turn! With his A3 he can put out two Continuous heals on all allies for 2 turns, on top of doing some minor cleansing. With his A2 he can heal your team by 10% HP, or by 15% if they have Continuous Heal buffs. On top of that his passive boosts allies turn meters whenever they are healed by Continuous Heal buffs, which helps them take more turns and get healed by those buffs more.
8. Oella
Oella’s healing is very simple: a chunky 30% Max HP heal for your entire team on a 3-turn cooldown on her A2 ability. Her passive ability places a 1-turn Continuous Heal buff on an ally if they lose 15% of their Max HP in a single hit and this is upgraded to a 2-turn buff that is instantly activated if Ultan of the Shell is on her team… And that’s what holds Oella back: this is an extremely strong passive but unfortunately Ultan of the Shell is so weak that he is not worth using and therefore she never gets to use it at its full power.
9. Elva Autumnborn
Elva Autumnborn is a reliable healer who brings a Siphi-style passive, healing your teammates by 10% of their Max HP whenever they take a turn while also protecting your lowest HP champion with a Perfect Veil buff. On top of this she brings a 2-turn Continuous Heal buff for your lowest HP champion whenever she uses her A1 attack. In practice, I find her better at healing than Siphi due to her A1 healing being much more consistent.
10. Siphi the Lost Bride
Siphi doesn’t bring the strongest heals in the game but she often does enough reliable minor healing to keep your team alive through most fights in the game. Her passive ability heals your champions by 10% of their Max HP whenever they take a turn and the Increase Speed and Turn-Meter Boosting that Siphi brings with her A2 can enable this to be more consistent. She can also squeeze out an extra 5% Max HP for your whole team if she targets an enemy with less than 50% turn-meter with her A1.
Next up, let’s look at the best options from the Epic champions, some of whom can even outperform their higher rarity competitors:
1. Demytha
Demytha is the best epic healer in the game and you might not even realise it when you first read her kit. Her Block Damage A3 is definitely the highlight of her kit but don’t underestimate the Continuous Heal it puts out either. The main heal though comes from her A2, where she increases the duration of all ally buffs and decreases all of their debuffs by 1 turn, then heals them by 2.5% Max HP and a further 2.5% Max HP for every buff or debuff altered by this skill. This sounds tiny, but the key thing here is to note that this counts everything at once; in other words, let’s say I have 5 buffs on 5 champions, it will heal for 2.5%, times 5, times 5, for a whopping 62.5% total.
2. Rector Drath
Rector Drath frequently shows up as a promo-code champion for new players and it’s a brilliant move from Plarium since Rector is one of the best healers in the game. Her A2 heals your team by 20% of her Max HP and gives them Perfect Veil for 2 turns if they are fully healed by it or a 1-turn Continuous Heal buff if not. You definitely want to get the veil though, since her passive heals allies by 10% Max HP whenever they begin their turn under veil. Fun fact: the healing animation on this passive used to be painfully slow–so much so that Plarium had to drastically increase its animation speed in a patch last year!
3. Vogoth
Vogoth is one of the weirder healers in the game but that catapults him into a very valuable niche for many players. Whenever Vogoth takes damage, he will heal all allies by 50% of the damage received (or 25% from bosses). This makes Vogoth incredibly effective at protecting your team from powerful AoE attacks and is most infamously used against Bommal and his Dreadbombs: since the Dreadbombs are not bosses, you can bring multiple Vogoths to the fight and they will all heal each other, effectively turning every Dreadbomb explosion into a full heal for your team!
4. Skytouched Shaman
Skytouched Shaman is another weird healer who is much better in pratice than she seems on paper. Her passive ability damages her by 10% Max HP at the start of her turn, and then heals all allies by 50% of her missing HP. The trick here is to simply build her with tons of HP so that she will heal your team by a huge amount. Since she damages herself every turn, however, you will need another healer or reviver to keep her alive for longer fights.
5. Woad Painted
Woad-Painted had one of the biggest glow-ups in Raid’s history with her buff last year, turning her from a meme into a healing legend. Her A2 ability now removes all debuffs from Woad and heals her for 100% of her Max HP. She will then heal all your allies for 50% of the surplus heal. The trick here is to build Woad with a huge amount of HP, since the potential to heal your whole team for 50% of her Max HP can be insanely strong.
Great information well put together