Published On: October 16, 2024
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Plarium has announced two summon events that will be taking place over the next few days, including a guaranteed epic!

The weekend event will prove to be one of the best opportunities to pick up Legendary Champion, Glaicad of the Meltwater with a 2x Sacred Shard Event alongside a 10x event for Glaicad.

That’s not all, as we mentioned there will be a Guaranteed Summon Event for the Epic Champion, Ilysinya, one of the required epics in the Lady Mikage Fusion.

Let’s check out Plarium’s announcements of these two summon events…

Guaranteed Event:

ilysinya portrait

Hey y’all!

I have some news about the upcoming events:

This Thursday, October 17th, we’re planning to launch a Guaranteed Champion event.

Summon Champions using Ancient Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get Ilysinya by your 40th Ancient Shard

Remember, if you do happen to summon Ilysinya before your 40th Ancient Shard, your event will end.

Sacred Event:

Glaicad of the Meltwater Portrait

This Friday, October 18th, we’re planning to launch two events simultaneously

We’re planning to launch x2 event to summon Legendary Champions from Sacred Shards

And also, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon Glaicad of the Meltwater from Sacred Shards

Please, note that the duration of the x10 event will be one day shorter than the duration of the x2 event.

Are you going for either of the two summon events? let us know in the comments!

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