What server should you pick in Tower of Fantasy?!
There are many servers in Tower of Fantasy and for any newer player into MMO’s it can become quite overwhelming to decide which server to pick! So here’s our guide on finding the best server to suit you in Tower of Fantasy!
There are 4 global regions currently in Tower of Fantasy as you have North America(NA) South America(SA), Europe(EU) and Japan(JP)
So if you are in one of these regions then you are best to pick the one you live in for example we live in Europe so we are going to pick one of the European servers because it will have better Ping and Latency.
Reason #1
As said above Ping and Lag will have a massive impact on this fast-paced MMO because you don’t want to go into a fight lagging and not being able to see straight. This will also cause you to rage and may affect your mental state of mind so to avoid paying for new Monitors every time you RageQuit Tower of Fantasy think about what Server you are going to play on! This is, of course, a suggestion and if you love lagging and making it a challenge for yourself then you go play on the NA server when you are from EU!
Because it has real-time events going on in the game each second and nano-second will make all the difference between you slaying your opponent or you eating the mud and staring at your death screen. So be smart about what Server you are going to choose because to be the best you need to play the best and that is near impossible with heavy Ping!
Reason #2
Are your friends playing Tower of Fanatsy? This will have a big impact on which server you are going to pick because you can’t change servers as of yet and for some people you may get into an account quite far on and realise your friends aren’t on the server with you so you can’t team up and take on the world bosses! This then becomes a solo game until they eventually allow Server changes which could take a while so the morale of the story is to talk to your friends about what server they are entering or make a decision together!
HH Gaming has currently decided to play on Elypium in EU. So come and join us if you want to play alongside the HH Gaming team!
Reason #3
Language Barriers in servers. If you can’t communicate with your guild because of a language barrier then you are going to find it very hard to play the game and defeat the dungeons! So we suggest finding a Server that the majority can speak the same language as you. If you are Multi-lingual then it’s a massive advantage for you because you can pick any server and speak to most players!
Reason #4
If you are a bit late to the party when deciding your username then it may be taken, which is upsetting but you can pick another server your liking and go for that. In Tower of Fantasy, there can’t be multiple people with the same name on a single server or you’ll have to adapt it or change it.
The NA Server list:
- The Glades
- Nightfall
- Fantasia
- Freedom – Oasis
- The worlds between
- Radiant
- Observer
- Lunalite
- Starlight
- Phantasia
- Eternium Phantasy
- Sol – III
- Nirvana
- Ozera
- Polar
- Vulcan
- Celestia
- Tidings of Unity
- Libera
- Solaris
- Oasis
- Tempest
- New Era
- Nebula Sea
- Myriad
- Lighthouse
- Stardust
- Silver Bridge
- Azure Plane
- Land of Elora
The SA Server list:
- Darkside
- Torre de Babel
- Lua
- Saci Perere
- Curupira
- PauBrazil
- Amantasy
- Canarin
- Barsiluz
- Kerpel
- Curupira
- Wachiturros
- Star Gazers
- Nompuehuenu
- Andromeda
- Andarilhos Latinos
- Alfheim
- Neo-Arcadia
- Lua
- Vasco
- Crux
- PauBrazil
- Dark Nova
- Hyper-Skyard
- Barsiluz
- Babylon
- Andromeda
- Wachiturros
- Cellardoor
- Neo-Arcadia
The EU Server list:
- Alimanium
- Alintheus
- Andoes
- Astora
- Babel
- Blumous
- Cosmos
- Dyrnwyn
- Elypium
- Espoir IV
- Estrela
- Ether
- Futuria
- Hephaestus
- Insoumis
- Kuura
- Lycoris
- Lyramiel
- Magia Przygoda Aida
- Olivine
- Ommium Prime
- Andoes
- Ether
- Anomora
- Blumous
- Insoumis
- Celestrialrise
- Elypium
- Lyramiel
- Excalibur
- Ommium Prime
- Turmus
- Magenta
- Ex Nihilor
- Iter
The JP Server list:
- Eden
- Fate
- Nova
- Babel
- Gomap
- Pluto
- Venus
- Galaxy
- Memory
- Sakura
- Seeker
- Shinya
- Uranus
- Utopia
- Jupiter
- Atlantis
- Daybreak
- Takoyaki
- Yggdrasil
- Cocoaiteruyo
- Food fighter
- Ruby
- Oxygen
- Sweetie
- Sushi
- Stella
- Adventure