Published On: July 3, 2023
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Clan vs Clan Summon Event – Power Couples!


Plarium has announced an amazing midweek 10x event for two incredibly top-tier champions, this will take part during Clan vs Clan.

This Clan vs Clan Tournament will not feature Personal Rewards for the winners, this will be two Void and two Non-Void Champions, with each pair being active for 24 hours.

Plarium Announcement

Hey, y’all!

Some news about the upcoming events:

  • On Tuesday, July 4th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon Cupidus from Ancient and Sacred Shards & Venus from Void Shards.
  • And on Wednesday, July 5th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon Rotos the Lost Groom from Ancient and Sacred Shards & Siphi the Lost Bride from Void Shards.

Each Event will be active for 24 hours.

Should you be pulling shards?

One of the key factors to remember during 10x Events is that it is incredibly rare to get the specific Champion, especially when it comes to Non-Voids as Plarium is continuously increasing the amount of Champions in the game, and each new Champion further reduces the effectiveness of 10x Events.

One of the other important things to think about is the fact that 10x Events only have the standard chances to actually get a legendary before you worry about which legendary you’re getting – which at 0.5% for Ancients and Voids, and 6% for Sacred Shards… is not very high!

The other thing that’s very important to remember is that the Gnut Fusion has just begun and will consist of Summon Events – however, these summoning events DO NOT count towards that, so you may leave yourself short on a Fusion you do not want to miss!


Will you be going for any of these 10x Power Couples? Let us know in the comments!

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Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago

Tirare il 10x o tirare il 2x è solo questione di fortuna, altro che statistiche!!!! Escono decine di altri epici e lego che non hanno senso di esistere in Raid.

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago

Decine di altri…

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago

Decine, decine, decineeeeeeee