Published On: November 7, 2022
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Double Guaranteed Champion Event!!

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Tomorrow is Clan vs Clan, and as such Plarium have released TWO Guaranteed Champion Events, taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday, let’s take a look…


Plarium Announcement:

Hey everyone!
We’re planning to launch a few Guaranteed Champion events this week:

  • This Tuesday, November 8th, summon Champions using Ancient Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get Duedan the Runic by your 40th Ancient Shard
    Remember, if you do happen to summon Duedan the Runic before your 40th Ancient Shard, your event will end.
  • This Wednesday, November 9th, summon Champions using Void Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get White Dryad Nia by your 30th Void Shard
    Remember, if you do happen to summon White Dryad Nia before your 30th Void Shard, your event will end.

Should you be pulling shards?

There is no better time to get specific Champions than when there is a guaranteed event active, as if you have enough shards you know exactly what you’ll be getting at the very least, of course, you may get more great things from the shards leading up to the guaranteed, which is just an added bonus!

However, this is not part of a fusion event, and with it being mid-week there will NOT be a Summon Rush or Champion Chase Tournament on, so you may opt to save your shards for the November Fusion that will almost certainly be released within the next 2 weeks!


Are the Champions worth pulling for?

Well, the first thing to note is both of these Champions are Epics from the Brand new Sylvan Watchers Faction, so there’s instant appeal there, as many players won’t have had the opportunity to pick up many of these yet, whilst we’re looking at around 6 months until their Faction Crypt opens, it’s never a bad idea to start picking up some Champions to form a team, especially if they’re guaranteed.

But individually these Champions could bring something more to your account…

Nia is a perfect Clan Boss protector bringing Ally Protection for all the team on a 3 turn cooldown alongside a weak version of strengthen. What makes Nia quite unique is her A2. She will target a single ally (normally determined by highest team order), removing all debuffs, healing and then reducing the cooldowns of the skills on the ally by 2 turns. You can imagine this as a single target Renegade reset. You could use this to cleanse a stun, reset cooldowns, or keep an ally alive making your options for speed tunes incredibly diverse. Her A1 brings an AoE Decrease Speed which is incredibly powerful for Hydra. Paired with her A2 you could place your enemy max HP in lead and really ramp up your damage. What’s more the A2 is on a very low cooldown compared to other skill cooldown resets.

There could be some very interesting combos created with champions like Yumeko where both champions constantly reduce the others Cooldowns of these skills!

Duedan brings a new buff for 2022, Taunt, which forces enemies to target him with their abilities (like provoke but as a buff). This paired with his ability place Counter-Attack on himself alongside an A1 that has a high chance to remove 1 random debuff from all allies makes him a powerful protector for your team. Your goal will be to get him to cycle his A1 to keep debuffs off your champions. In Addition, he brings a reasonably good shield on his A2 alongside a buff extension effect. Note however it is a 4 turn cooldown which will make him less viable for extending buffs in Clan Boss where 3 turn cooldown is desirable and often essential for many speed tunes.

If you need a good cleanser which doesnt require a team to keep him alive, Duedan stands ready to protect your team!


Will you be opening your shards? Let us know in the comments below and good luck!

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2 years ago

Definitely not that champs that I was expecting for a guaranteed event, but certainly good options. I think I will be pulling for Nia. I don’t have much of a need for Duedan.

2 years ago

I’ll pass.

2 years ago

I am going for Nia for sure! My account is like transitioning into mid-game and I think she’ll help me a lot in clan boss :)