Published On: June 24, 2024
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Midsummer Festival Defender Prism Summon

The latest festivities have landed – the Midsummer Festival Defender Prism Summon Event is now live in Raid: Shadow Legends!

The event runs from June 24th to June 28th and features a selection of some top-tier DEF-focused Champions.

You’ll need Prism Crystals to participate in this event. Prism Crystals can be earned through the following in-game events running during the Defender Prism Event. These are the maximum level event requirements:

  • Soul Chase (June 25th – June 28th) – 545 Tournament points for 30 x Prims Crystals
  • Dungeon Divers (June 25th – June 28th) – 3950 points for 30 x Prism Crystals

Here’s a rough breakdown of the energy and runs required in both Normal and Hard Dungeons to earn the required points for the Dungeon Divers Event:

  • 275 Hard Dungeon Stage 10 runs costing 5517 energy
  • 324 Normal Dungeon Stage 20 runs costing 5195 energy

Defender Prism Summon Legendary Champions

Stand Out Legendary Champions


michinaki portrait

[HP Burn] Hydra damage dealer.


Firrol the Barkhorn

Strong Hydra Head of Torment counter.

Defender Prism Summon Epic Champions


Sepulcher Sentinel




trumborr portrait


hoskarul portrait image


Stand Out Epic Champions


Hydra AoE Debuffer.



Best Clan Boss Epic!


Aoe [Decrease DEF].


hoskarul portrait image

Epic [Stun] powerhouse!


morag bronzelock portrait

Tough DEF damage dealer.

Is the Midsummer Festival Defender Prism Summon Worth It?

There are a lot of strong DEF-type Champions in this Summon Pool, many of which are very useful for Hydra teams (check out YST and Nub’s guide on why Firrol is so good for Hydra in the video below, for example).

However, it’s important to note that players under level 42 won’t be able to participate in the Soul Chase Event. This makes the Dungeon Divers Event the only one open to players under that level, which will of course make it harder to earn the required Prism Shards without spending real money.

The Epic Champions on offer are especially worth paying attention to, as the recommended Champions are strong in multiple areas including Sintranos, Clan Boss, and Dungeons in general.

Players looking to clear the Cursed City will find Tayrel, Morag, and Hoskarul of interest, especially, given their utility against Bosses like the Eternal Dragon, Frost Spider, and Magma Dragon.

Check out our complete Sintranos Guide below if you’re planning your first foray into the Cursed City.

Are you taking part in this event? Which Champions are you hoping to get? Let us know in the comments!

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