New Fragment Fusion Incoming – Versulf the Grim
On Friday, July 2nd, Raid planning to launch a Champion Fragment Event with a new Champion – Versulf the Grim. So, save up your resources. He looks like a great champion!!
Faction – Knights Revenant
Rarity – Legendary
Type – HP
Affinity – Force
Versulf the Grim is the latest Fragment Champion event released in July 2021. His kit is focused on controlling your enemies using Provoke but he also brings some team support in Increase Defence and Ally Protection.
His A1 also provides him a self shield for 2 turns making him a viable Borgoth, the Scarab King, champion.
Finally, he carries a passive effect similar to Drexthar Bloodtwin where he places provoke when attacked by any champion.
On paper, Versulf looks exceptional for half of the doom tower rotation 1 bosses, Scarab and Magma Dragon and also will help you progress in Knight Revenant FW.
Versulf the Grim – Skills
A1 – Stern Admonishing
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. Also places a [Shield] buff on this Champion for 2 turns equal to 10% to their MAX HP.
A2 – Reign of Sorrow
Attacks all enemies. Places an extra hit on enemies under [Stun], [Freeze], [Fear], [True Fear], and [Provoke] debuffs. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff for 2 turns.
CD – 4
A3 – Quality Minions
Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Also places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff on all allies except this Champion for 2 turns.
CD – 5
A4 – Infectious Fury [P]
When hit, has a 20% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff on the attacker for 1 turn. Occurs once per hit.
What do you think of the New Champion? Will you do the fusion? Let us know in the comments!!
i always try to do the fragments but time will tell if I can. it is over july 4th weekend sooo
Looking forward to this one as I need an ally protection champ.
Glad I have not pulled any of my Void shards this weekend.
I’ve thankfully gone past the point where I have to pick and choose fusions, so will be gunning for him. I did roll my eyes when I first saw his picture – thought he was another Undead lego – “anotherrr one!?”
Not sure, Im done with all past fusion, he’s intresting but I’ll prefer to wait How Many fragments will be in totally. If I have to win one Tournament or Event in first place, simply I don’t do it.
They don’t ever make it so you have to win one to get him. Not since my first fusion, anyway, which was Pyxniel.
To me his kit seems more in line with an epic champ rather than a lego.
New to the game. Learning alot. Missed this guy by 10 fragments. Will they be cycling thru all these champs again ?
they havent yet im afraid – but we are hoping
They could have just fixed Wurlim and saved us the trouble.
Gee…not a dwarf? I’m really getting sick of these fusions. Too many, too often, and they take up too much time. Plarium – Please let us take a vacation for a change of pace. I can’t focus on anything else other than fusions and preparing for fusions. I have a stack of champs that I can’t level up because of the continue barrage of these long, drawn out, heavy resource events. Give us a break already!
And to add insult to injury, they screwed us over a little more than the previous ones.
Training events are no longer paired with summon events, meaning that we cannot use Mystery Shards during Summon events, otherwise we won’t have food for the training.
AND EVEN WORSE: the summon events are BEFORE the training events, meaning that if I were to be short of let’s say 100 points, I have to burn the food I prepared, in order to use those mystery shards!
I would of skipped, but that ally protection seems to help allot in CB. So im going to have to grab him just incase.
I’ll be going for him because you can do it without spending money (or much money if you’re short on shards). It is funny that they made the fusion start on Friday, coincidentally the day after CVC ends, as to suck you dry of as many resources as possible.
Don’t you just love how the Training event is no longer paired with the summoning events?
What’s worse, is that the training events are AFTER the summoning events, meaning that any food that we had saved up, now has to be burned if we had any thought about using mystery shards to get the last 100 or so points.