Published On: September 7, 2023
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Primal Shards are LIVE! Raid Shadow Legends


Primal Shards have officially gone live in RAID Shadow Legends, alongside the release of Mythical Champions!

We’re going to break down everything we know about these new shards so far, including what the chances of getting lucky from them are, and where to obtain them!

But first of all, Don’t forget to claim your FREE Primal Shards from Plarium!


Free Gift

Primal Shard Free Gift

What are Primal Shards?

Primal Shards are a brand new shard type that offers the chance to get Mythical Champions, which are BRAND NEW to Raid Shadow Legends.

The concept of these Champions is incredibly cool as they’re effectively 2 Champions rolled into 1, with the ability to change between two forms, each offering a completely different style and skill kit.

Currently, there are 5 Mythical Champions released in RAID:

Primal Shard Screen

What are the odds for Primal Shards?

This part may shock some people, but Primal Shards are effectively Ancient Shards with a permanent 2x activated, alongside the rare chance of getting a Mythical Champion from them!

  • Rare Champions – 82.5% (Ancient Shards = 91.5%)
  • Epic Champions – 16% (Ancient Shards = 8%)
  • Legendary Champions – 1% (Ancient Shards = 0.5%)
  • Mythical Champions – 0.5%

Primal Shards carry over the same rule of Sacred Shards, where you are unable to summon any of the previous Log-in Champions from the daily login system.

We do not yet know if there will be specific 10x/2x/2-for-1 events on Primal Shards.

Primal Shard Odds

Mercy System

Just like the other Shards in RAID Shadow Legends, Primal Shards are also affected by a Mercy System, which may feel underwhelming, at least it is there if bad luck strikes… 300 times…

Primal Shards have a mercy system in place for both Legendary and Mythical Champions.

After 75 Summons without a Legendary, the chance will increase from 1%, by 1% every single shard thereafter – so after 174 Primal Shards you are guaranteed to get at least 1 Legendary.

After 200 Summons without a Mythical Champion, your chance will increase from 0.5%, by 1% every single shard thereafter, which if our maths isn’t truly awful, your 301st Primal Shard should guarantee you a Mythical Champion, although I’d like to say the chances of reaching that threshold don’t sound high, it does seem to happen in more cases than not for the other existing shards (mostly Ancient and Void!)

Primal Shard Mercy

Where to get Primal Shards

With Primal Shards only going live in the game today, we may not know ALL of the Locations you can obtain them, however, we have a few good options already in the game.

  • Pack Offers – Of course, these are going to be the most reliable method of getting Primal Shards, as with all Shards in RAID.
  • Permanent Money Shop – Just like the other shards, you can purchase a small amount for an absurd price in the Shop, limited to 5x Per Month you can get 5x Primal Shards for $49.99.
  • Collecting 100 Primal Quartz – Once you’ve gathered 100 Primal Quartz, you can make one Primal Shard.
  • Daily Login Rewards – On Day 20 of the Extended Login Calendar, you can pick up 1 full Primal Shard.
  • Platinum, Super Platinum and Ultra Platinum Classic Arena Chests – At the end of the weekly reset in RAID, the highest tier of Arena Chests will have the chance to contain a Primal Shard.
  • Hydra Clash – Hydra Clash Chests reward you with Primal Quartz, which can be used to forge a Primal Shard.
  • Events and Tournaments – Occasionally Plarium will add Primal Shards and/or Primal Quartz to Tournaments and Events as rewards. Currently, there is a Primal Shard available for 12,000 Points in the Champion Training Tournament.

What do you think of Primal Shards and Mythical Champions? Let us know in the comments!

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Alex Wiz
Alex Wiz
10 months ago

Even worst than i thought

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
10 months ago

O hai i soldi o sei di livello alto. Come al solito, niente per i medio/piccoli!!!! Complimenti Plarium, non ti smentisci mai !!!!

M leo
M leo
10 months ago

The odds are pathetically low s

10 months ago

So… 0.5%.
Statistically to get one mythical you need to pull 200 primal shards similar to void shards. (0.5%*200=1)
Currently 12 primal shards cost $99. $99/12=$8.25 per shard.
Based on your luck you need between 200-300 primal shards.
$1650-2475 per mythical champion.
About three times worse then void legos. (~35 void vs ~12 primal for $99)
(There is a consideration that legos can be pulled from it as well but I am too lazy to calculate how it actually lowers the $ per primal. Regardless it isn’t a considerable amount, since 1%/75 mercy).
The amount of primals that can be gained for free currently is low compared to sacred/void shards.

I hope Plarium will introduce x2 after the big spenders will spend enough and the hype will go down a bit.

Is it game breaking for FTW and low spenders? Any company is a business and has one goal. Earn.
Plarium earning money from those that have no problem spending 2k on a champion? Why not.
It will keep them investing into the game, hence more content for all of us.

10 months ago

I’m perfectly fine with the odds of getting a mythical champ. It keeps them feeling special. So if you do manage to pull one it feels like a big deal. I just wish the chances of getting a rare weren’t so damn high. Make the chance of a rare more like 50% at least.

Kara Antonsen
Kara Antonsen
10 months ago

Just delete ancients and put these things in their place.. now ALL ancients are throw away use immediately because why not? trash shard of zero value.. best case you pull old tier champs eh.. TWD game did this where they went from stars to S and S+ and then S++ gold and silver each season making old champs fucking garbage.. welcome to the new order..

10 months ago

I am perfectly fine with these shards as long as we get about as many of them as voids. Currently it would take like 5 years to hit mercy with always top chesting and winning Hydra clash, alongside no ways of getting books, which is making me hopeful a reward area for these will be made. Maybe third CB?

10 months ago
Reply to  SS2020user

Yeah the books are going to be the major bottleneck. I already struggle to get enough legendary books to get my good legendary champs booked up. So I can only imagine how difficult it will be to get these mythical books. Unfortunately Plarium has outright said they will not be including a way to farm books.

Shawn Ragland
Shawn Ragland
10 months ago

You know these shards got ugly odds and are very hard to acquire for most people, excluding end game and whale players. Pass the word to plaurium, please improve the odds, chance to pull a rare shouldn’t be so high. 50% for rare, 47% for epic, 2% for leggo, and 1% for mythic would be good. Also on the extended calendar every day 20 everyone can claim 2 primal shards due to the difficulty of acquiring them. Most can’t get those quartz and won’t for a while.