Raid: Shadow Legends Buffs Index

Buffs are powerful effects that can boost your champions damage, healing and speed and are hugely important for success in your teams. Below you will find all the buffs that you can find on champions. Click the buff to view all the champions who can place this buff to your champion or team.


Ally Protection

strong ally protect buff

The caster champion takes 25/50% of damage inflicted upon the target champion (calculated before any buff/multiplication on the damage).

Self-inflicted damage and Poison do not trigger this effect. Each champion uses their respective DEF values for damage mitigation.

Block Damage

block damage buff

Sets the value of incoming damage to 0, making the champion immune to damage (unless an ability ignores this effect).

This comes in the form of self-buffs, protecting the champion placing the buff, or Area of Effect, protecting the whole team.

Block Debuffs

block debuffs buff

The champion will become immune to any debuffs placed upon them by enemies (unless the enemy ability ignores this effect).

This only applies to debuff effects and will not block Instant effects such as decrease turn meter or increasing skill cooldowns

Continuous Heal

Heals the champion at the start of their turn by 7.5%/15% of their Current MAX HP.

This buff can stack with each buff counting as a separate heal value.


counterattack buff

When attacked, the champion will counter-attack with their Basic (A1) ability (unless stated otherwise in their skills).

Counter-attacks will deal 25% less damage than normal, it does not count as a turn and does not affect turn meter.

Increase Accuracy

strong increase accuracy buff

Increases the accuracy value of the champion by 25%/50% depending on the strength of the buff.

This buff multiplies your current in-battle value which includes the aura and any increases from passive skills (if applied).

Increase Attack

strong increase attack buff

Increases the attack value of the champion by 25%/50% depending on the strength of the buff.

This buff multiplies your current in-battle value which includes the aura and any increases from passive skills (if applied).

Increase Crit Damage

strong increase critical damage buff

Increases the critical damage value of the champion by 15%/25% depending on the strength of the buff.

This buff is additive to your current in-battle value which includes the aura and any increases from passive skills (if applied).

Increase Crit Rate

strong increase crit rate buff

Increases the critical rate value of the champion by 15%/30% depending on the strength of the buff.

This buff is additive to your current in-battle value which includes the aura and any increases from passive skills (if applied).

Increase Defense

strong defence buff

Increases the defense value of the champion by 30%/60% depending on the strength of the buff.

This buff multiplies your current in-battle value which includes the aura and any increases from passive skills (if applied).

Increase Resistance

Increases the resistance value of the champion by 25%/50% depending on the strength of the buff.

This buff multiplies your current in-battle value which includes the aura and any increases from passive skills (if applied).

Increase Speed

strong increase speed buff

Increases the speed value of the champion by 15%/30% depending on the strength of the buff.

This buff multiplies your current in-battle value which includes the aura and any increases from passive skills (if applied).

Reflect Damage

strong reflect buff

Reflects 15%/30% incoming damage back upon the enemy base on the strength of the buff

Only damage received can be reflected meaning damage to shields including Stoneskin will not reflect damage back to the enemy.

Revive on Death

revive on death buff

Upon receiving fatal damage, the champion is revived instantly and the buff is removed.

Revived champions return with 30% of their MAX HP but have zero turn meter.


strong shield buff

Provides a barrier of additional health which is reduced before a champion takes damage. The shield size is dependant on the skill placing the shield.

Artifacts and Skill shields are considered separate buffs but add together into a single shield buff.


strong strengthen buff

Reduces incoming damage by 15%/25% depending on the strength of the buff placed.

Damage is reduced multiplicatively after all other calculations are placed and is multiplicative with other damage reduction effects.


Forces enemies to target the champion with this buff, with them being able to use any of their skills.

Unlike Provoke, enemies can use their active skills but they must target the taunt champion. Taunt bypasses Veil forcing enemies to ignore the veil effect.


unkillable buff

Ensures the champion cannot take lethal damage whilst the buff is active.

Champions can take damage leaving them with a minimum of 1 HP and is a common strategy for defeating the Clan Boss.


perfect veil buff

Champions are not targetable by skills or single target effects and reduce incoming damage by 7.5%/15% depending on the strength of the buff.

Champions can still receive damage from Area of Effect skills, it can be removed but Veil cannot be stolen.