Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Hotatsu Overview
A winged demonized Oni from the shadow realm has taken up residence amongst the dark walls of Telaria. Hotatsu is an Epic defence champion from the Shadowkin Faction.
Amongst the greatest of clan boss champions, when seeking versatility for traditional teams, Hotatsu is a great option. Although his A1 isn’t a 100% chance to place leech, this Debuff allows champions to heal by 18% of the damage inflicted which can scale off mastery hits (Warmaster and Giant slayer), therefore pairing him in Counter attack, Ally attack, or 2:1 compositions (using sniper masteries) is optimal for consistency. Nothing like title of his A2 (Rushing Death), he acts as the opposite granting a 80% chance to place an AOE Decrease attack debuff, mitigating the brute force of the demon lord, or wave based content such as faction wars.
Hotatsu’s A3 is basic yet effective, placing a 60% Increase defence for 2 turns, and a 15% continuous heal for 1 turn on all allies. This form of protection on a 3 turn cooldown is ideal for most speed tunes, whilst being one of few epics who can grant this on a desired cooldown. His passive ability can be tricky optimising its potential, however this 3 turn cooldown form of self cleanse can be universally useful.
To conclude, Hotatsu is great for traditional clan boss team builders, but with his Decrease attack not being 100% consistent, it is recommended to pair him with other champions with similar issues (Such as Rearguard Sergeant) to keep this up consistently.
Hotatsu PVE Masteries
Hotatsu PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Hotatsu Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Accuracy, Speed, Def%, Hp%
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Perception, Speed, Accuracy, Defiant
Recommended PVP Stats