Fodbor The Bard
Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Fodbor The Bard Overview
This crooked Dwarf performs his Robber’s Tale to capture the imagination of his victim, then steals their possessions without being caught! Fodbor The Bard is an Epic Attack champion from the Dwarves Faction.
Fodbar is a great option for players progressing in the Fire Knight, but can be used for various encounters. Not only is his triple hitting A1 great for reducing the shield counters of the boss, but also grants a 30% chance of placing a 100% Heal Reduction for 2 turns. This Debuff is vital to prevent the boss from healing, and coincides perfectly with his A3 that places a 60% Decrease Defence Debuff which holds universal value. Heal Reduction can also be valuable for The Nether Spider, as the boss will heal due to the Spiderlings counter attacks, therefore utilising him in the Unkillable / Geomancer strategy is ideal for quick victory’s [as an example]. Last but not least, Fodbar’s A2 holds single target Crowd Control / Buff stealing value, which will be determined according to enemies having / or not having buffs active at the time of using this skill.
Fodbor The Bard PVE Masteries
Fodbor The Bard PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Fodbor The Bard Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Perception, Speed, Accuracy, Lifesteal
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Perception, Speed, Accuracy