Knave of Hearts
Last Updated: January 16, 2025
Knave of Hearts Overview
The Knave of Hearts was banished to the underworld by the Queen of Hearts after she discovered his betrayal. Once her trusted ally, he secretly despised the Queen, manipulating her for his own ambition to seize the power she possessed. Now, bound by her sorcery, his heart is chained as a constant reminder that she holds the power to crush his soul at any moment. The Knave of Hearts is a Legendary HP champion from the Undead Hordes Faction.
Knave excels at applying Heal Reduction, healing allies, and stripping buffs from enemies. His Stout Defence A3 swaps HP with a target, applies Heal Reduction, equalizes ally HP, and grants Increase Defence to his team. This provides strong sustain and can leave a target in a weakened state, though the HP swap doesn’t work on bosses. The protected Heal Reduction is especially valuable for encounters like Amius the Lunar Archon, preventing the base form from replacing it with Continuous Heal.
With his A2, Knave steals two buffs from enemies, applies Continuous Heal to allies, and grants himself Unkillable and Taunt. This makes him a strong Mischief tank for Hydra and an effective Enfeeble tank for the Phantom Shogun, while also drawing enemy attacks to set up his HP swap. Additionally, his passive restores destroyed HP, destroys 20% of an attacker’s HP [up to 50%], and with his A1 he can Provoke a target, making him a good choice for encounters like Decay and Magma Dragon.
Knave of Hearts PVE Masteries
Knave of Hearts PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Knave of Hearts Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Speed, Perception, Protection, Merciless, Savage/Lethal
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Speed, Stoneskin, Bolster, Merciless, Savage/Lethal