Neldor Rimeblade
Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Neldor Rimeblade Overview
In the land of Aravia, it was rumoured that the Fire Knight had summoned his reckless brother. Neldor worked hard to find it’s weakness… which was discovered to be the power of frost. Using a majestic orb passed down by his grandfather, he forged a cold-imbued weapon to slay this beast! Neldor Rimeblade is an Epic Attack champion, residing from the High Elves Faction.
If you’re seeking a freeze option to control the Hard variation of The Fire Knight, it doesn’t get much better than Neldor. Opening with the Frost Piercer [A1], he attacks 3 times at random, with each hit granting a 40% chance of placing Freeze Debuffs. Against this boss, we require multi-hit skills to reduce the shield counters, followed by Freeze Debuffs for Turn Meter control, therefore utilising this alongside his 4 hitting A2 will be powerful for countering this bosses mechanics. Leading in to his passive, this will grant him a 30% chance to use his A1 whenever an ally places Freeze Debuffs, therefore pairing him amongst champions such as Gnut can lead to further control. Last but not least, Neldor can place a 30% Decrease Speed Debuff on all enemies for 2 turns, which can be used universally to slow down waves of enemies & boss encounters. If wondering where else to utilise Freeze, a highlight example would be against Bommal, as his Dreadbomb’s will deal 40% of your champions Max HP, which is halved if you’ve placed Freeze Debuffs on them.
Neldor Rimeblade PVE Masteries
Neldor Rimeblade PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Neldor Rimeblade Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Perception, Speed, Relentless, Reflex
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Stoneskin, Perception, Speed, Untouchable