Searsha The Charred
Last Updated: November 20, 2024
Searsha The Charred Overview
Long ago, Searsha lived in harmony with her relative, Elva Autumnborn, until a cursed heart tree took root in her soul. Its ancient flames consumed her from within, leaving her veins scorched and her mind twisted by its power. Now, as the pyro soul of the Sylvan Watchers, Searsha the Charred incinerates anything in her path. This champion can only be obtained exclusively through the Plarium Points Program.
Although earning Searsha through the Plarium Points program can be a slow process for those not spending, her recent buff has greatly enhanced her utility. The Blazing Panic [A3] now places Decrease Speed on all enemies and applies Hex to those under HP Burn. Additionally, her A2 now applies HP Burn as a placement effect, allowing her to bypass affinity disadvantages and avoid weak hits against targets under Poison Cloud. This combination of effects makes her a standout choice for bosses like Hydra, Iron Twins and Spider, as well as content such as Doom Tower & The Cursed City.
Searsha’s passive punishes enemies who attack her while under burn, by healing herself and allies while granting a 50% chance to instantly activate the burn effect. This enables more frequent damage without relying solely on active turns, which is valuable in areas such as Hydra, Frost Spider, and Eternal Dragon. Finally, her triple hitting A1 can increase the duration of Burns while reducing enemy buff durations, which is ideal for removing effects like the Increase Attack from the Head of Wrath.
Searsha The Charred PVE Masteries
Searsha The Charred PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Searsha The Charred Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Untouchable, Speed, Reflex, Perception
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Feral, pinpoint, Perception, Stoneskin