YST’s F2P 2025 Update – 10 Days Of Progress!
How’s it going, everyone? YST here, and today I’ll be sharing the progress I’ve made so far on my F2P 2025 journey. The first two weeks are always an intense grind, but it’s a challenge I look forward to every year, especially when we can tackle milestones together through streams and videos. This time, I’ve pulled some fantastic champions, made solid progress, and will share what I’m focusing on as the journey continues! Team Queen of Hearts for the win!
In previous years, I selected each of the rare champions as my starter at different times, but for 2025, I decided to go with the most popular choice – Kael. Not having a poisoner early on can slow down progress in key areas like the Dragon dungeon and climbing Clan Boss difficulties. As the journey progressed, I ended up choosing him as my first 6 star champion, but we’ll dive into that a little later.
Day 1 was all about pushing through the campaign, aiming for milestone rewards by completing stars, with the ultimate goal of reaching 12/3 Brutal for efficient XP farming to prepare champions for 6 stars. One change I made this year was focusing more on completing specific challenges and milestone missions early, especially while areas like the Potion Keeps are unlocked for the entire week.
When it comes to summons, I’ve been pulling every shard I get. On day 1, I managed to pull my first Epic champion from an Ancient Shard – spoiler alert, I haven’t pulled another one from an Ancient since! That said, I was thrilled to get Bowf the Rancid, who’s shaping up to be an incredible Epic for progression in areas like Nether Spider and Dragon. For my promo code champion, I chose Alure to help carry me in Fire Knight and Dark Fae as the challenge continues, and the link code gave me both Tagoar and Uugo.
The grind continued into Day 2 as I pushed through campaign stages, aiming to reach 12-3 Brutal. The main focus of the day was to completely clear all stars in the Hard Campaign, with high hopes that the ultimate reward – a Sacred Shard – would be a game changer. Unfortunately, when the shard was pulled, it revealed Reinbeast as the Epic champion. It wasn’t exactly the excitement I had hoped for on stream, especially after enduring stages like The Halloween Halls boss, which took ages to beat. Still, the thrill of the challenge made it worthwhile, and perhaps Reinbeast will prove useful in Faction Wars alongside Bowf the Rancid.
Outside of campaign progress, I worked on milestone challenges and missions wherever possible, especially since they provided valuable energy drops to fuel the grind. In the Arena, I managed to climb into the Silver tier, while in Dungeons, I cleared several early stages to complete missions and earn leader board points for the team.
DAYS 3 & 4
After a streak of bad luck with my summons, I had a feeling my luck was about to turn – and it did! On Day 3, I pulled my first Legendary champion of the series from an Ancient Shard: the recently buffed Opardin Clanfather. I love pulling champions I haven’t had much experience with on my F2P accounts, and Opardin has been a standout carry with his heals and support effects. I recorded an update video to showcase my progress and the exciting pull, and things got even crazier the next day when another Ancient Shard revealed a second Legendary – the current fusion champion, The Mad Hatter!
I was completely stunned by the pull and immediately jumped on stream to share the moment with everyone. Having two powerful support Legendaries this early in the series is game changing. The Hatter’s Hex debuff will be valuable as I take on content like Hydra in the future, and he’s already looking like a great addition to my Clan Boss team.
Over these two days, I made solid progress: I cleared, though didn’t fully 3 star, the Brutal campaign, levelled up a ton of food champions, and pushed deeper into several dungeon stages. It’s been an exciting start, and the account is shaping up nicely!
DAYS 5 & 6
Day 5 was a tough grind for the account as I focused entirely on the Sewers of Arnoc missions. These artifact missions are always a pain, especially the early ones that require farming ATK% gauntlets, chest plates, and boots from Normal difficulty stages. I remember watching Hell Hades grinding his account on stream while I burned through tons of energy, hoping RNG would finally work in my favour. The artifact challenges that follow are just as frustrating, like farming Kareok Castle, but at least later on, I was able to farm Brutal difficulty to gain XP for my food champions.
Normally, I would have built my first 6 star champion sooner, but on Day 6, I finally decided to commit to Kael. Initially, I considered going with Alice, but I got impatient since I couldn’t efficiently farm 12-3 Brutal, which was slowing down my progress toward building more 6 stars. Plus, legendary ascensions are expensive in terms of potions, and without enough books to optimize her, it didn’t feel like the right time to invest in Alice. Between Days 5 and 6, I also started tackling Hard Clan Boss, managing to achieve a 3 key on my first attempt.
DAYS 7 & 8
The energy drop from the previous day was crucial for pushing the account forward, as I had hit a point where I was completely out of energy and burning through my gem resources. With the boost, I managed to clear the entire Brutal campaign, unlocking an extra Sacred Shard for the account. At the same time, I hit a missions milestone that rewarded another Sacred Shard. I summoned both during the Freyja Fateweaver event, but unfortunately, the streak of Legendary pulls didn’t continue. Instead, I got Nazana and Atur as my Epics. While not game changing, Nazana could be a solid ally protector if I don’t pull anything better down the line.
I’m still searching for an A1 Decrease Attack champion, as this would be a huge help in areas like Clan Boss, especially with the strong support champions I already have. On Day 8, I farmed enough food to get my second 6 star, and surprisingly, I chose Uugo! I had considered Alice again, but with Uugo already having full masteries and skill tome upgrades, she felt like the better choice, especially as I was about to enter Doom Tower for the first time. Her ability to block buffs on enemy waves, provide crucial revives & heals when things go wrong, and provides an AOE Decrease Defence was too valuable to pass up at this stage. With her, I cleared my first 10 stages of Doom Tower without much trouble!
DAYS 9 & 10
During the Mad Hatter fusion event, I managed to clear several events and tournaments, earning valuable rewards and collecting enough fragments to fuse two Dawncaller Sabithas. While having two might seem unnecessary, I plan to save one for a future Champion Chase Tournament. They’re also useful for Faction Guardians, Faction Wars, or even making a +1.
My main focus has been champion training, and I’m now very close to building my third 6 star. I made a strong push for first place in a Champion Training Tournament but ended up finishing in 2nd. Even so, the rewards were worthwhile, including my first solid set of Relentless gear, some Relic materials, and the usual milestone rewards.
- Champions – Part 5/5 – 3/7 completion.
- Artefacts – Part 10/10 – 4/8 completion.
- Dungeons – Part 5/5 – 6/8 completion.
- Arena – Part 3/3 – 1/7 completion.
- Progress Missions – Part 3/4 – 175/286
In Clan Boss, I’m now comfortably achieving a 3 key on Hard difficulty, though the lack of a strong Decrease Attack champion is holding back further progress. For dungeons, I can farm most stages up to 13 with ease, except for Fire Knight, where I need to rank up Alure to help her survive the waves. The same applies to Spider, where I’m missing a solid HP Burn or Enemy Max HP champion to speed up runs.
Lately, my focus has shifted to the event dungeon for farming accessories, which has been rewarding. It feels great to have the more frustrating challenges behind me, allowing me to concentrate on farming dungeons for better gear, ranking up more champions, and progressing further in Doom Tower to earn valuable rewards!
Define F2P? You mean spender? Or even whaler? F2P as in Free2Pay?
Dude it’s his free to play account, not his main. That’s part of their annual challenge.