Best Counter Attackers for Clan Boss – Raid Shadow Legends
Counter attack has a very important place in clan boss teams, especially non-unkillable teams.
Counter attacks help to increase both your damage output and your survivability, the extra hits you gain from counters give you increased procs from warmaster and giant slayer to boost your damage, but subsequently help you to keep your team topped from life steal or leech depending on your team.
There are only a total of 3 champions in the game who provide the team counter-attack buff.
Valkyrie – Legendary – Barbarian – Spirit
Valkyrie not only brings counter for your team, but she also brings huge shields that are based on her DEF. She is unanimously considered the best of the three counter-attack options for clan boss. Valkyrie has a place in some of the best ultra-nightmare clan boss teams.
Martyr – Legendary – Sacred Order – Spirit
Martyr brings a 60% increase DEF buff for your whole team on the same ability as her counter-attack, which will boost your damage mitigation for the AOE hits from the clan boss, but also buffs the damage of your defensive based champions in your team, including herself. Martyr can also 50% attack down on her A3 which can be hugely useful for keeping uptime should you get an unlucky resist from your main attack down champion. Her A1 also brings 60% decrease DEF, while most of the time you would want to make sure your team can provide a 60% decrease DEF and 25% weaken for maximum damage, for those who don’t have an individual champion who brings both, Martyr can really boost your team’s damage. On top of this already very stacked kit – Martyr also has a 33% DEF in all battles aura.
Skullcrusher – Epic – Ogryn Tribes – Force
Skullcrusher is the most obtainable of the 3 counter options due to being the only epic with the ability. His counter ability only affects your team and not himself unlike Valkyrie and Martyr – but he does also provide your team with an ally protection buff for 2 turns. Which massively helps your teams survival, this does mean your Skullcrusher will take massive damage in later rounds of the clan boss, but he also on this ability – buffs himself with unkillable for 1 turn, giving him plenty of time to fully heal before the next AOE hit. Due to his ability to buff himself with unkillable, Skullcrusher is commonly used in unkillable teams with champions like Roshcard the Tower to be the stun tank.
Without a doubt, Valkyrie is the best clan boss counter attacker. For those who aren’t fortunate enough to have her, both others are fantastic champions.
Skullcrusher brings the additional utility with his defensive benefits, making him the best defensive option after Valkyrie, while Martyr has better damage output potential due to also placing a counter-attack on herself unlike Skullcrusher.
Nonetheless, all 3 counters have their place in clan boss teams and are truly invaluable to your account.
If I have ScullCrasher but don’t have unkillable comp, how do speed tune the team for better results?
Utish – Skullcrusher goes last, just before the boss to make sure the teammates get 2 counterattacks
and NONE of the new champions have Team CounterAttack, so it’s harder and harder to get one :(
yeah :*(
Not much info here HH if it’s a counteratack clanboss sectioni think you should add speeds and setups for each clan boss for those 3 champions don’t you think?
@Silas1992, that info is on His New Clan Boss Calculator is linked in the tools section of the website. His speed tunes are available to all.
Yep Deadwood is a good friend of ours and we support his site! amazing tools!
That info is on His New Clan Boss Calculator is linked in the tools section of the website. His speed tunes are available to all.
hello , does any one know if its a good idea to run at counter attack and a ally attack in the same comp as i have tons of champs that a really good for clan boss like altan, longboard and mashalled and i just pulled a skull crusher finally and i dont really know how to set up my team