Published On: July 15, 2022
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Champion Spotlight: Walking Tomb Dreng

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Walking Tomb Dreng has a unique skill that we love, and let’s hope Plarium can continue with the sweet champion skins and designs.

His a1 is a single target double hitter and it instantly activates any HP Burn on the target after attacking, this is great because he can set it up and blow them up! Or you can get another HP Burner and turn them into ash with this a1.

His a2 is an AOE ability and can place a HP Burn with books is 100%. This debuff cannot be resisted so it works well! You should book this skill to get the cooldown down to 3 turns because it cannot be resisted, and it is a low cooldown! The only way you can be resisted is a weak hit against Magic affinity! This is great for Spider, Sorath and he does better than his biggest competitor Ignatius because he does his skill 2 turns quicker! This is an average hit with 200K roughly in HH’s Damage gear!

His a3 equalises the HP of all allies and then attacks an enemy. The HP levels of all allies will be brought up to the level of the ally with the highest HP. It also decreases the cooldown of his a2 skill by 1 turn if the target’s current HP is higher than this Champ’s current HP! This is huge for the Spider dungeon because it has so much HP! With HH’s Damage gear he smacks on his a3 450k damage on a single target is massive!

His passive reflects damage if the attacker if this champion has 50% HP or more.

Plus a 30% HP aura, this is Huge if you need the HP boost.

He is an absolute Spider beast but with a kit like that, it’s pretty obvious to see why!



Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Instantly activates any [HP Burn] debuffs on the target after attacking.

Exalted Pyre – Cooldown: 4 Turns
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be resisted.

Death’s Balance – Cooldown: 5 Turns
Equalizes the HP of all allies, then attacks 1 enemy.
The HP levels of all allies will be brought up to the level of the ally with the highest HP.
The attack will ignore 30% of the target’s DEF if the target’s current HP is equal to or lower than this Champion’s current HP.
Will decrease the cooldown of the Exalted Pyre skill by 1 turn if the target’s current HP is higher than this Champion’s current HP.

Fortress [Passive]
Reflects 30% of the damage this Champion receives back to the attack if this Champion has 50% HP or more.
Deals 30% more damage instead if this Champion has less than 50% HP.

Increases Ally HP in all Battles by 30%.


Did you get your hands on this Fusion? Let us know in the comments!

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2 years ago

Please I’ll like to know how many more fragments of this champion we could possibly still k at 70 I’m F2P mid gamer and energy refill prevented me from competing.