Published On: May 12, 2022
Start your Raid Journey Today!

Fusion Guide: Bivald of the Thorn

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Like a templar of old, Bivald the Thorn’s Heraldry knows no bounds. He cavaliers into Teleria seeking to control all foes for your team. He joins as part of the May Fragment Fusion Collection event.

Bivald has two decent AOE hits on his A2 and A3 with a kit that also will help you through wave progression content. Bivald is an excellent control champion and a strong healer if build to do some damage. He brings the unique ability to land provokes on weak hits ensuring he always control your enemies. Whether you are progressing through early to mid-game or looking for more control in Doom Tower, Bivald will certainly do the job as good as all the over provoke champions.

In Addition, he has a useful passive to reduce incoming damage when champions are provoked, a potentially massive healer with his A3 and also brings Leech and Strengthen.



Thorn Maul
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. Also heals the ally with the lowest HP by 15% of the damage inflicted.
The [Provoke] debuff can be placed even if this attack lands as a weak hit.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

Admonition of Barbs – 4 Turn Cooldown
Attacks all enemies 2 times. The first hit has a 75% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. The second hit has a 75% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff for 2 turns.
Also places a 25% [Strengthen] buff on this Champion for 2 turns. The [Leech] and [Provoke] debuffs can be placed even if this attack lands as weak hits.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Level 5: Cooldown -1

Briar Nexus – 5 Turn Cooldown
Attacks all enemies. Damage increases by 5% for each debuff on each enemy.
Also heals all allies by 20% of the damage inflicted and places a [Shield] buff on them for 2 turns equal to 20% of the damage inflicted.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Cooldown -1

Dethorned [P] Decreases the damage taken by all allies from enemies under Provoke debuffs by 15%.

Increases Ally HP in all Battles by 28%


Is Bivald worth going for?

We would always recommend going for each and every Fusion, if you’re able to – Bivald is no different here, he can provide minor healing to your team, and massive Miscreated Monster style shields, especially in Spider! Bivald also has the capability of locking out enemy waves for very long periods of time with his AOE Provoke and A1 Provoke, He is a great addition to any account – especially those that are still progressing.

As this is a Fragment Fusion, there are 115 available fragments WITHOUT winning any tournaments, so pick and choose what events suit you best as you can skip up to 15 fragments and still achieve the fusion!


Adjoining Events:

Every fusion we deal with 2 summoning events, and recently Plarium has been adding Super Raids to the matching dungeons to speed up our farm. Here’s what we know so far:

Summon Event 1:
2x Sacred Shards

Summon Event 2:
This Friday, May 20th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards:

– Yumeko
– Trunda Giltmallet
– Lady Kimi
– Lyssandra
– Madame Serris
– Deacon Armstrong
– Magnarr
– Seeker

Super Raids:
(1) On Thursday, May 12th, we’re planning to enable Super Raids in the Dragon’s Lair.
(2) On Sunday, May 15th, we’re planning to enable Super Raids in the Ice Golem’s Peak.
(3) Also, on Thursday, May 19th, we’re planning to enable Super Raids in the Fire Knight’s Castle.
(4) And moreover, on Sunday, May 22nd, we’re planning to enable Super Raids in the Spider’s Den.


Fusion Calendar:

May 12th:
Dragon Tournament
Dungeon Divers Event

May 13th:

Champion Chase Tournament
Classic Arena Takedown

May 14th:

Artifact Enhancement Event
Champion Training Event

May 15th:

Ice Golem Tournament

May 17th:

Dungeon Divers Event 2

May 19th:

Fire Knight Tournament
Artifact Enhancement Event 2

May 20th:

Summon Rush
Classic Arena Takedown 2

May 21st:

Champion Training Tournament

May 22nd:

Spider Tournament
Dungeon Divers Event 3

Day 1:

New Events:

Dungeon Divers Event – 3350 Points – 10 Fragments
Dragon Tournament – 2250 Points – 5 Fragments

For the Dragon Tournament, this lines up nicely with the Dungeon Divers Event which is active – 2250 points will take around 140 runs of level 20+ based on the worst possible drop rates of only 5* Rare gear.

This will be a great option to double-dip your rewards and use your energy wisely!

When it comes to Dungeon Divers Events, these points are somewhat higher than standard, however, it’s just like last Fusion, we are getting DOUBLE the Fragments we usually get from a standard Dungeon Divers Event during a fusion, so this may feel like a lot, but actually, it’s fairly obtainable and should be pushed for.


Day 2:

New Events:

Champion Chase Tournament – 15 Fragments – 750/2500 Points
Classic Arena Takedown – 5 Fragments – 390 Points

As for the arena tournament… As always make sure to use all of your daily battles, this event is active for 3 days which should be more than enough time to get you the required points if you are efficient in using your tokens, ensuring you’re picking fights you know you can win!

For the Champion Chase Tournament, you will need to pull as many shards as you need. You can also do this with mystery shards for 1 point per shard, if you don’t have other shards to use during the event, but remember – champions from the market and campaign will also count towards these points, which can tie in nicely with Champion Training that starts tomorrow.

This does line up with Sacred 2x Event, so good luck on your pulls if you have saved any!

Remember, if you do not skip ANY other events – you can actually avoid this event.


Day 3:

New Events:
Artifact Enhancement Event – 5 Fragments – 3300 Points

Champion Training Event – 15 Fragments – 3500/9350 Points

To get the Enhancement Event’s Fragments, you’ll require 3300 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.

Artifact Enhancement

1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.

2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

The point requirement for the Training Event is quite high, but nothing we’ve not seen before in a Fusion.

Make sure you are also levelling your chickens BEFORE feeding them to get the extra points, you can do this easily by just throwing a few brews into the 4*/5* chickens before you use them as food, it will really help you gain your points to make this doable.

Take this time to level up all of your food and 6 stars some of the champions you’ve wanted to for a while!


Day 4:

New Events:

Ice Golem Tournament – 5 Fragments – 2250 Points

For the Ice Golem Tournament, this lines up nicely with the Dungeon Divers Event which starts in 2 days if you decide to wait to double dip with your energy – 2250 points will take around 140 runs of level 20+ based on the worst possible drop rates of only 5* Rare gear.


Day 6:

New Events:

Dungeon Divers Event – 5 Fragments – 2400 points

This dungeon divers event will be nice and easy allowing you to double-dip in multiple events, whether it be the end of Ice Golem, Champion Training or the Fire Knight Tournament that starts on Thursday. Lots of opportunities to get the most out of your energy.


Day 8:

New Events:

Fire Knight Tournament – 5 Fragments – 2250 Points
Artifact Enhancement Event – 5 Fragments – 3500 Points

For the Fire Knight Tournament, this lines up nicely with the Dungeon Divers Event that is currently active – 2250 points will take around 140 runs of level 20+ based on the worst possible drop rates of only 5* Rare gear.

This will be a great option to double-dip your rewards and use your energy wisely!

To get the Enhancement Event’s Fragments, you’ll require 3500 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.

Artifact Enhancement

1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.

2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.


Day 9:

New Events:
Classic Arena Takedown – 5 Fragments – 390 Points
Summon Rush – 20 Fragments – 1750/3500 Points

For the arena tournament… As always make sure to use all of your daily battles, this event is active for 3 days which should be more than enough time to get you the required points if you are efficient in using your tokens, ensuring you’re picking fights you know you can win!

The Summon Rush as always, will be a game of how many shards do you have? To earn the fragments you will need to accumulate 3,500 points, this lines up with the x10 Summon Event for Champions some of the best Champions in the game:

Hey folks!
This Friday, May 20th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards:

– Yumeko
– Trunda Giltmallet
– Lady Kimi
– Lyssandra
– Madame Serris
– Deacon Armstrong
– Magnarr
– Seeker


Day 10:

New Events:
Champion Training Tournament – 5 Fragments – 5150 Points

The point requirement for this Training Tournament is relatively low but still needs pushing for.

Make sure you are also levelling your chickens BEFORE feeding them to get the extra points, you can do this easily by just throwing a few brews into the 4*/5* chickens before you use them as food, it will really help you gain your points to make this doable.

Take this time to level up all of your food and 6 stars some of the champions you’ve wanted to for a while!


Day 11:

New Events:
Spider Tournament – 5 Fragments – 2250 Points
Dungeon Diver Event – 5 Fragments – 2400 Points

For the Spider Tournament, this lines up nicely with the Dungeon Divers Event that is currently active – 2250 points will take around 140 runs of level 20+ based on the worst possible drop rates of only 5* Rare gear.

This Dungeon Diver event very conveniently lines up with Spider Tournament along with the Champion Training Tournament, so all in all it’s a very easy event to complete as there are lots of chances to double-dip while doing other activities you need to do while heading into the final stretch of this fusion.

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2 years ago

First fusion I’m going for (220 days in lol), and this guy is going to CHANGE my spider. Those shields might make my Armiger survive more than 4 spiderling hits.

2 years ago
Reply to  SS2020user

Very glad I went for this, just pulled an Alure (one of my most wanted champions), an Uugo and a SEER!

2 years ago

The dungeon diver and Dragon start on day one (little mistake in your Day 1 planning).
That’s great since you don’t wait for day 2 of the fusion to actually start doing things!

2 years ago

165th day, F2P, first fusion. Going strong for now, but am worried about the Summon Rush. Hopefully the requirements are not that tough.

2 years ago
Reply to  ZamioKulkas

I would say the summoning rush will be the same as the Gaius the Gleeful’s event. Where you will need 1,750 points for (5) fragments and 3,500 for the remaining (15). I would recommend saving all shard you have as possible and summoning on that specific day. Remember Sacred Shard=500 points, Void=120, Ancient= 20 and mystery=1 points.

2 years ago
Reply to  Godslayer

Didn’t realize it was going to be about that much. I have around 840 points without my 3000 mystery shards, really hoping for another sacred before that. So annoying that I can’t beat spider 15, it would give me 3 voids.

2 years ago
Reply to  SS2020user

Just got another sacred, so I should have about 1500. I’ll just mystery shard the rest.

2 years ago
Reply to  Godslayer

I have enough for the 1750. The remaining 15 I think I’m not going to need most probably if I manage to do all other events/tournaments. I have shards to almost get all 3500 (10 voids, 1k mystery and 60 ancients)

2 years ago
Reply to  ZamioKulkas

I believe you have enough Ss2020 & Zamiokulkas.. I got a sacred from one challenge I had and will get another one in 3 days from monthly. I also went ahead and made my self two account to get 2 lv 30 which gets me that 2 void :D. I also have 27 ancient which is i keep getting more and more as i do dungeons lol. Luckily me, i will be able to finish this fusion no problemo. Hopefully, plarium doesnt keep adding more back to back because after this, I will skip because lack of resources.

2 years ago
Reply to  Godslayer

I almost just failed thanks to the dungeon divers. I should have built my Alure before this Fire Knight tournament…

2 years ago

Judging from the amount of shard I currently have and knowing the points require for the shard I will skip the champion chase and work on the summon rush and get those 20 fragments. Good luck to anyone going for him!

2 years ago

Hey guys, 32nd day here. What happens if, let’s say, I finish this fragment fusion with only 80 Bivald fragments? How would I get those last 20?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lekaimo

If you miss events and cant complete the 100 – you normally get offered a pack to buy the last fragments you need a few days after the fusion events end.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lekaimo

They also often have a tournament/event about a year apart where you can get a few fragments of previous fusions.

2 years ago
Reply to  SS2020user

interesting.. haven’t seen that before but only been playing since Ninja came in.

2 years ago
Reply to  betterness33

I also started at around that time, I think there have been 2 since then.

2 years ago

Just got the 100th fragment! I’m going to wait until I have another 5-star chicken and then pull him, I really need him for spider so I won’t wait until next fusion.

2 years ago
Reply to  SS2020user

This fusion has been a big success for my account, with 4 new 6-stars and enough food to 6-star Bivald, a Seer, an Alure, an Uugo, a Deacon and a Mountain King. Now I at least have the champions for every dungeon 20… exept for Ice Golem. This fusion has been an amazing experience, and I am going to try my hardest to get to UNM CB to be able to do even more fusions.

2 years ago

Bivald is amazeballs, even at level 20. Totally a heal-tank for Spider. What a champion for my first Lego. I’m leveling up Soulbond Boyer in a Stun Set, Madame Serris in Speed/Perception, and Bivald in Reflex/Perception, guided by my max’ed Kael. I’m laughing thru mid-Brutal, watching all the rude things this crew does…

2 years ago

I am stuck at 90 points, I could only finish the first phase of the the summon rash and champions chase events. I did not have enough shards to complete both.
I think one needs to keep shards aside for future events.

2 years ago

First successful fusion event for me; is there a time limit to summon the champion?

2 years ago
Reply to  Zaldacan

Only for fusions, not fragment champions like this. There is no time limit for Bivald.

2 years ago

im a f2p and ive got the 100 fragments 2 days ago. took all my ressources ive saved for about 3 to 4 months. i hope it will actually boost my account a little bit. just got scyl yesterday from login rewards aswell. hope i can push for spider 20 now. drake 20 is already on a 95% auto team.