Published On: December 15, 2022
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Fusion Guide: Gnishak Verminlord


Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Fusion Time Everybody!

It’s that time folks, Christmas Fusion 2022 – It’s time to get our hands on The Rat King himself, Gnishak Verminlord!

This fusion is a Traditional Fusion, meaning we will need to collect Epic and Rare Champions in order to Fuse Gnishak.

It’s important to note, there is only ONE Summon Event involved in this Fusion, the Summon Rush – Making this event significantly easier than most would have assumed.

Faction: Skinwalkers
Rarity: Legendary
Type: ATK
Affinity: Force



Pestilent Censer
Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 40% chance of placing a [Bomb] debuff for 2 turns.[Bomb] Debuffs placed by this skill on enemies whose MAX HP is equal to or higher than 200,000 will deal double damage.

  • Level 2 – Damage +10%
  • Level 3 – Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
  • Level 4 – Damage +10%
  • Level 5 – Buff/Debuff Chance +5%

Verminlord’s Command – Cooldown: 4 Turns
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns.
Also has a 75% chance of decreasing the detonation countdown of all [Bomb] debuffs by 1 turn, and increasing the duration of all [Poison] debuffs by 1 turn.

  • Level 2 – Damage +10%
  • Level 3 – Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Level 4 – Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
  • Level 5 – Cooldown -1

Unclean Banquet – Cooldown: 5 Turns
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing 2 [Bomb] debuffs on each target for 2 turns, then grants an extra turn.[Bomb] Debuffs placed by this skill on enemies whose MAX HP is equal to or higher than 200,000 will deal double damage.

  • Level 2 – Damage +10%
  • Level 3 – Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Level 4 – Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
  • Level 5 – Cooldown -1

Rat Plague – Passive
Every time a [Bomb] is placed by this Champion detonates or is removed, places two 5% [Poison] debuffs for 2 turns. These debuffs are protected.


Is Gnishak worth going for?

Our advice is always relatively similar when it comes to fusions, since we never know what is going to happen to these champions in the future, it’s always worth picking up each and every fusion if you are able to.

However, there is a chance that Gnishak could hit VERY hard and potentially be very viable in the upcoming Accessory Ascension Dungeon, amongst other areas.

Bombs and Poisons are central to Gnishak’s abilities and he has a pretty complete and powerful setup to maximise his bombs potential. With the A3 he’ll place 2 bombs with a 2 turn detonation and then gains an extra turn. His A2 then reduces the duration of those bombs by 1 turn, ensuring the enemies will take bomb explosions on their next turn. He also has a 100% Decrease Attack alongside the ability to extend all poison debuffs. The cool thing about Gnishak over other bomb champions is that his bombs will deal double the damage to any enemies over 200k HP which is the case for most Higher Stage wave champions and almost guaranteed for bosses. He also can place bombs on his A1 although this is a random attack so less valuable on waves but incredibly valuable on single targets.

What makes Gnishak unique, is his passive with place 2 Poisons on any target when a bomb explodes and these poisons will be protected meaning they cannot be removed. Clearly, a crazy bomb and poison champion although you could face the issue of running out of debuff slots (10 is the max!) if he continues to extend poison debuffs all the time. Awesome to solo high-level Dungeons like Dragon 25 and Ice Golem 25 and great against Bommel. Will also see some play time in Clan Boss and Hydra Clan Boss and can be used in Arena as a bomb champion or a straight nuker with two back-to-back AOE’s!

Very Versatile champion!

Below you can find two videos from Hellhades showcasing this Champion in action in various areas of the game!


What you will need to fuse Gnishak

Champion Requirements:

Gnishak is a Traditional Fusion event that will require 4 Rank 5 fully leveled Epic champions to fuse into him. You will need the following epic champions:

However, to fuse these Epic Champions you will need to acquire 16 Rare Champions at rank 4 fully leveled. 4 Rares are then fused to earn 1 epic.

You will need to upgrade your Rare champions to Rank 4 and the Epic to Rank 5 and fully ascend those champions which will require food and potions.

Chicken Requirements:

  • 48x 3-Star Chickens
  • 16x 4-Star Chickens

Potion Requirements:

Affinity Lesser Greater Superior
Magic 0 40 12
Force 0 0 0
Spirit 160 104 12
Arcane 80 108 12

Corresponding Events

You will be able to take advantage of events taking place at the same time of the fusion. Typically these are Super Raids for Dungeons that take place at the same time as the tournaments. These allow you to earn twice the amount of rewards in one run (you will still need to use the same amount of energy as two runs). This should allow you to finish these much faster.

There will also be the typical x10 or x2 summoning events taking place.

Dungeon Events:

  • Thursday, December 15th – Super Raids – Ice Golem’s Peak.
  • Sunday, December 18th – Super Raids – Fire Knight’s Castle.
  • Thursday, December 22nd – Super Raids – Spider’s Den.
  • Sunday, December 25th – Super Raids – Dragon’s Lair.

Summon Events:

  • Predicted 10x Event (Friday 16th December)

Fusion Calendar:

December 15th:
Ice Golem Tournament – 1x Riscarm
Dungeon Divers Event – 1x Riscarm

December 16th:
Summon Rush – 1x Riscarm 1x Endalia

December 17th:
Classic Arena Takedown – 1x Riscarm
Artifact Enhancement Event – 1x Riscarm

December 18th:
Fire Knight Tournament – 1x Riscarm
Champion Training Event – 2x Riscarm

December 21st:
Dungeon Divers Event II – 1x Riscarm

December 22nd:
Artifact Enhancement Event II – 1x Riscarm
Spider Tournament – 1x Riscarm

December 23rd:
Classic Arena Takedown II – 1x Riscarm

December 25th:
Dragon Tournament – 1x Riscarm

December 26th:
Champion Training Tournament – 1x Riscarm
Dungeon Divers Event III – 1x Riscarm

December 27th:
Artifact Enhancement Event III – 1x Riscarm

gnishask verminlord fusion schedule

All Tournament/Event Points are calculated based on a MAX LEVEL account. These points may vary depending on your account progression and you may require significantly fewer points than displayed in our guide.


Day 1:

New Events:
Ice Golem Tournament – 1x Riscarm – 2250 Points
Dungeon Divers Event – 1x Riscarm – 2850 Points

Today we’re kicking off the Christmas Fusion with a perfect Double-Dip!

Dive into the Ice Golem’s Peak and collect artifacts whilst simultaneously acquiring points for the Dungeon Divers Event, however, gaining the points necessary for the Riscarm in Ice Golem will not net you enough points for Dungeon Divers, so you may need to consider other means of points to finish this off, or continue farming Ice Golem beyond the rare point requirement.

2250 Points in Ice Golem will require around 140 runs of stage 20 based on the worst possible drops, of all 5* rare gear, of course, this figure can be significantly lower based on your drop rates. This will take ~2250 energy.


Day 2:

New Events:
Summon Rush – 1x Riscarm 1x Endalia – 2150/4925 Points

Time to crack open your shards guys and girls! This is the ONLY Summon Event of this Fusion, so don’t stress about saving shards for the next event, just pull what is necessary for this one.

For this weekend’s event, we have the following Summon Events on, which you can read more detail about here.

  • Guaranteed Ailil – 110 Void Shards

10x Event:


Day 3:

New Events:
Classic Arena Takedown – 390 Points – 1x Riscarm
Artifact Enhancement Event – 4000 Points – 1x Riscarm

To get this event’s rare, you’ll require 4000 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.

Artifact Enhancement

1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.

2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

For the Arena Takedown, Continue to use all daily battles, but keep an eye on the points, you may need to gem 1 or 2 refills to reach the points that you need depending on your arena tier/win rate. Of course, always aim to win as many fights as you can, don’t waste tokens for fights that you’re not sure of.


Day 4:

New Events:
Fire Knight Tournament – 2250 Points – 1x Riscarm
Champion Training Event – 6100/8250 Points – 2x Riscarm

To get the rare from Fire Knight,  it will take you 140 runs of stage 20 based on the worst possible drops, of all 5* rare gear, of course, this figure can be significantly lower based on your drop rates. This will take ~2250 energy.

As for today’s Training Event, 9350 Points may feel daunting but it’s important to remember we do have 5 days to complete this, Hellhades has released a video today to help you efficiently gain points for this type of event check it out below!

Hellhades has a very useful video for how to handle Training Events in fusions, check it out below!


Day 6:

New Events:
Dungeon Divers Event II – 2850 Points – 1x Riscarm

This event should be completely fairly passively, by finishing off your Champion Training Event, and with tomorrows Spider Tournament, of course you may need to farm some additional to finish it off once you’ve completed these events so keep an eye on your points and don’t get caught off-guard.


Day 7:

New Events:
Artifact Enhancement Event II – 1x Riscarm
Spider Tournament – 1x Riscarm

To get this event’s rare, you’ll require 4000 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.

Artifact Enhancement

1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.

2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

As for the Spider Tournament, 2250 Points will require around 140 runs of stage 20 based on the worst possible drops, of all 5* rare gear, of course, this figure can be significantly lower based on your drop rates. This will take ~2250 energy.


Day 8:

New Events:
Classic Arena Takedown – 390 Points – 1x Riscarm

For the Arena Takedown, Continue to use all daily battles, but keep an eye on the points, you may need to gem 1 or 2 refills to reach the points that you need depending on your arena tier/win rate. Of course, always aim to win as many fights as you can, don’t waste tokens for fights that you’re not sure of.

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Nicolas meunier
Nicolas meunier
2 years ago

Yeah, I’m in my 239days, it’s my first real fusion attempt… I have kept all my shards for 3 months… and for now I have got everything, So tonight I have 3 of the 4 epics… I begin to think, I can do it :)

Thanks for all your advices :)

Nicolas meunier
Nicolas meunier
2 years ago

Finished! :)

2 years ago


2 years ago

Like others have said, it is about planning… And no you don’t need to save for months… except shards do take a while to collect depending on what level CB you hit daily. Even so, if you really want a fusion/fragment Lego, reading (and following!) HH’s guide on these events will ensure you will have enough resources each and every time you want to. And yes I’m FTP or really low spender on both my accounts, and have been doing fusions/fragments since Brago.

2 years ago

Oh and I agree Plarium can do a ton of things to make our lives easier, especially FTP, but it’s not in their interests to do so… Which means, you find a way which works for you without relying on Plarium to make it easier for us. They’re a business, and don’t give a rat’s arse about you or me… As there’s always someone else happy to take our place if we drop the game.

2 years ago

I’m so glad that I skipped this, pulling my voids this 2x gave me a Leo!

Jay Tai
Jay Tai
2 years ago

Practically all fusion/shared events are f2p friendly without months of saving. You just have to accept that it’s the only events you can fully participate in. The rest you’ll have to settle for partial credit.
Level 40 account, level 5 clan active enough for cvc(for auto battle and jewelry mainly), and 500 gems can do it comfortable with 2 to 3 evenly spaced play times a day. Only summoning events feel like trash. Pure f2p, only on phone, no auto clicker.

2 years ago

achieved fusion fairly easy in the end, but prepared beforehand.
to repeat some of the notes in my earlier post
SHARDS – save shards for a few weeks before, if desperate can always buy ancient shards in the shop for gems. use mystery shards also to get the score up, takes a long time but can get there.
if you are lucky you will pull one of the required rares with ancient shards.
ARTIFACTS – pre roll artifacts to 7/11/15.
but you still need at least 5 mill silver for each artifact event but preferably more silver, and there was 3 events which made it harder. good opportunity to clear out gear.
TRAINING- have feed champs in the vault at level 30 and 40, save some brews.
POTIONS also with a Fusion event (not required for fragment event) need to make sure you have enough potions saved before. don’t want to spend energy having to farm potions in the middle of the event or even worse have to pay gems to unlock the required keep if it is not open that day. there is info on HH site that says the amount of potions you will need.
DUNGEONS are pretty straight forward, if possible try to do them when the individual tournaments overlap with the Dungeon event (not always possible)
can take a long time to do, so don’t leave too many points to get in the last couple of hours.