Published On: February 3, 2024
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New Valentine Fusion: Wight Queen Ankora

We’re a little late to the party releasing this information out to you all. This is because, ironically, we were celebrating at the wedding of our very own, Neva just as Plarium dropped the news. With the celebrations over, let’s now take a look at the latest Valentine’s Fusion Power Couple that will be marching into Teleria!

Introducing Wight Queen Ankora

Every year in February, we get a slightly different fusion event as we pay homage to Valentine’s Day. That means the fusion is always partnered with another new champion. Unfortunately, you can’t acquire both from the fusion but it always makes for more interesting and compelling champion skills. This year is no exception with a champion inspired by the Undead Pharaohs of Old (although she is in fact a Knight Revenant Faction Champion).

Her Partner, Wight King Narses, will be difficult to acquire being a Void Legendary but when paired together, look incredibly powerful for an Arena Pairing.

We have a full guide on both of our new overlords (check the links below) breaking down their skills and where we believe they will be powerful.

Fusion Event Details and Important Information

Ankora will be a Fragment Fusion Event (meaning you will need to collect fragments from various events and tournaments) and will start on February 8th 2024. Her partner Wight King Narses will be available in the Release of Update 8.20 due out on the same day as the start of his Queen’s Fusion.

We expect that Plarium will continue with the trend of requiring participation in at least 1 of the summoning events and there will be limited bonus fragments available from winning tournaments so now is the time to prepare by managing your resources if you plan to go for her.

The fusion events will last for 2-3 weeks. You can find the most recent Fragment Fusion Event Calendar here: Zinogre Fusion Guide. Whilst the events schedule will be different in order and fragment distribution, the number and type of events are very similar so you may use this as a framework to plan ahead.

Wight Queen Ankora – Plarium’s Opinions

Wight Queen Ankora is a tanky Champ with a focus on supporting fellow allies that will be helpful in both PvE and PvP content. Wight Queen Ankora will have a synergy with another Champion – Wight King Narses.

Let’s take a closer look at Ankara’s kit.

With the help of A1 [Necrobolt], Ankora can manipulate CD, helping her allies to use their skills faster along with some extra healing if the CD is fully reset.

Using the A2 [Shield of Emaria], Wight Queen Ankora cleanses all debuffs from allies, shields them from damage by placing a Shield debuff for 2 turns, and fills their Turn Meter by 10%. And if Wight King Narses is on the team, also places Strengthen buff on all allies for 2 turns.

Ankora’s A3 [Rise, My Love] is a single target revive skill that resets all CD of the revived ally. Also, after the revival, she decreases the Turn Meter of all enemies by 10%. If the revived ally is Ankora’s companion, Wight King Narses, she revives him with 100% Turn Meter, giving him a chance to attack right away because once he’s revived, Wight Queen Ankora decreases the enemies’ Turn Meter by 20%. And this effect cannot be resisted.

The Passive skill [Queen Consort] looks absolutely insane as Ankora saves the ally with the highest C.DMG from the control debuffs, placing them on herself instead. If Ankora misses her turn due to one of those debuffs, she boosts her own Turn Meter by 50%. If Wight King Narses is on the same team, Wight Queen Ankora will remove any control debuffs from herself at the start of her turn.

Wight Queen Ankora – Our Thoughts

If you are in need of a Debuff Cleanse for your team paired with an emergency revive then Wight Queen Ankora will be valuable to you. Her ability to provide the Shield after cleansing provides a bonus of Effective Health for your team to keep them alive. Unfortunately, she doesn’t cleanse and then provide the block debuffs (which is what we often see and look for in an ally cleanse) and she requires her partner to bring the Strengthen buff with her skill.

Originally, we thought she could be valuable for dealing with the Clan Boss debuffs but her A1 ability has a chance to reduce cooldowns and this will likely lead to your speed tune breaking due to your speed champions resetting and using abilities in the wrong order.

Most fusions are normally aimed towards people progressing in certain areas or in general. Losing the clan boss as a viable area does hurt her value in this regard. That being said, she will be perfect for fighting any difficulty of both Dragon and Agreth, the Nether Spider who both produce high quantities of Poison Debuffs.

What really unlocks Ankora is her King, Narses. When paired together they can rival some of the most notorious Arena Duos in Siphi the Lost Bride with Rotos the Lost Groom and Marichka with Taras. She will reduce Narses abilities with the a1 consistently and regularly allowing him almost permanent access to one of his active skills to keep defeating his foes. The Revive also becomes an un-resistable Turn Meter decrease allowing you to remove accuracy from her build.

If you are considering this champion from an overall progression, we consider her average but for the end-game arena we think Wight Queen Ankora will be valuable should you have access to Narses.

End Game Arena
Overall Rating

Wight Queen Ankora – Should you Skip?

The question on most player’s minds when any fusion is announced – should I skip? and it is never a simple as a yes or a no.

We believe Ankora is a powerful pairing with her partner, Narses, but this champion is also a Void Legendary which makes it difficulty to chase them both. On her own she is a good champion but her skill set can be replaced by a number of other Legendaries (Siphi, Elva and Alatreon Blademaster to name a few). If your account is lacking a 3 Turn cooldown full debuff cleanse then you should consider this fusion as a champion worth chasing.

If you have the resources, time and energy then we never advise you skip a fusion as you could end up requiring this skill set for future content where a good champion becomes essential (Morrigaine in Amius Rotation 2 of Cursed City being a classic example!).

Considering the partner pairing, the fact this is a fragment fusion (which tends to be more flexible in event structure) and the unique aspect of the Cleanse with the Revive – we’d only advise skipping this one if you lack the resources after recent monster hunter events or if you just feel a bit worn out!

We want to hear from you! Comment below your thoughts on Wight Queen Ankora!

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1 year ago

I’m feeling pretty worn out from all these MH events and the relentless grind of Hydra Clash. That being said, if these two can make people with Taras and Marichka sweat, even a little bit, I would never stop kicking myself for not getting her. So if, after a Hell Hades playtest with both of them (Plarium please give them test server access soon), they look as good as they do on paper, I will be going for her.