Published On: July 30, 2023
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Raid celebrates International Friendship Day


Happy International Friendship day all and to celebrate raid are doing a 10x event! They are loving the 10x events at the minute but we will go through who we have below. If you watch any of Raids Commercials or little screen clips you’ll know the bromance between Deathknight and Turvold but here we have passed the friendship to the son!

Here was how their training day turned out trying to make Deathknight, Ultimate.

Plarium’s Announcement

“Celebrate International Friendship day in Teleria with an awesome summon boost!

For a Short time, 8:30 UTC, Monday, July 31st to 8:30 UTC, Tuesday, 1st we are giving you the 10x chance of summoning some besties!

Should you be pulling shards?

Some key things to note are during 10x Events is that it is incredibly rare to get the specific Champion, especially when it comes to Non-Voids as Plarium are continuously increasing the amount of Champions in the game, and each new Champion further reduces the effectiveness of 10x Events.

One of the other important things to think about is the fact that 10x Events only have the standard chances to actually get a legendary before you worry about which legendary you’re getting – which at 0.5% for Ancients and Voids, and 6% for Sacred Shards… is not very high!

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Kara Antonsen
Kara Antonsen
1 year ago

Complete trash 10x.. have copies of udk in the vault rotting and already have a 1-2 key UNM team on 3 accounts 2 of which are f2p.. meta champs i get on 10x… UDK i see and just run bombs as he is hard fucking countered by them..