Brewguard Jeroboam
Last Updated: September 30, 2024
Brewguard Jeroboam Overview
The Guardian of Brews has arrived in the Ogryn Tribes Faction, and as the last orders are called in Telaria’s tavern, he shouts, “This round’s on me!” Mystery surrounds Brewguard’s official entry into Raid, as Plarium accidentally leaked the champion ahead of schedule. However, it’s expected that Brewguard Jeroboam will be the Fusion Legendary for this year’s Octoberfest event!
This champion’s kit is all about team protection, offering cleansing, Turn Meter fills, healing, and Shields. Starting with the A3, the ability to extend both enemy debuffs and ally buffs ensures that effects remain active for longer, reducing the chance of them expiring. The 20% Turn Meter boost is also great for helping your team cycle through their turns more frequently. The A2 is versatile, performing well in boss fights like the Dragon and Nether Spider, or against enemies that apply debuffs. It removes all debuffs from allies, heals them by 15% of this Champion’s MAX HP [increasing by 2% for each debuff removed], and places a Shield for added protection.
We’ve seen the value of an A1 that reduces ally skill cooldowns, especially with champions like Ankora and Padraig. Brewguard’s A1 strikes twice and, once fully booked, offers a 50% chance to decrease a random ally’s skill cooldown by one turn, helping them cycle their active skills more frequently. If triggered, it also fills their Turn Meter by 10%. Brewguard’s ‘Absolute Legend [P]’ provides both passive and active effects: Turn Meter reduction is reduced by 50% against him, and he fills his own Turn Meter when a Crowd Control effect is placed on an ally, then fills their Turn Meter when the effect is removed or expires. This may pair well with champions like Shamael for extra Turn Meter when facing the Head of Torment, or in areas such as Doom Tower and Arena, where these effects are seen more often.
Brewguard Jeroboam PVE Masteries
Brewguard Jeroboam PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Brewguard Jeroboam Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Protection, Supersonic, Speed, Perception, Defiant
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Stoneskin, Bolster, Supersonic, Speed, Protection